I wouldn’t really say I hate writing. Dislike writing, not comfortable with writing, struggle
with writing, these are terms that I feel are more relatable to myself. It’s just not something that
comes natural to me. Whenever I have to write something of a considerable length I cringe and
think back to all the grueling assignments I’ve completed in the past. I “hate” writing because of
how unnatural it is to me.
Writing and I have never had a good relationship. There’s nothing I enjoy about it. I have
trouble translating my thoughts to paper. Even right now, I have plenty of reasons in my head
about why writing sucks, but as soon as I go to write it down it becomes jumbled. Imagine you’re
a Polish Soldier in WWII trying to decipher
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Presentation day came around, Mrs. Zoake randomly selected five kids
per day to present their speech. My friend and I sat in the back of the class just praying we
would not get picked to present that day. We called it “dodging a bullet” every time a name was
called other than ours. I guess we kind of related performing a speech to getting hit by a bullet.
That’s a little extreme, but how could one enjoy the preparation for an assignment in which they
hate? Those previous negative experiences with public speaking are tied into my current hate of
Next were the prolonged book reports, journal entries and resumes with never ending
revisions. I don’t even want to discuss reading, just another task that requires a person to sit
and essentially do nothing for extended periods of time. Clearly not something I’d particularly
take pleasure in. After struggling through the book, I’d then have to write a report. That’s double
the pain in the ass! Its quite odd actually, because I distinctively remember loving the first book I
ever read. My seventh grade teacher Miss Bedic gave us a book report assignment. We had the
privilege of being able to choose the book we wanted to read. So of course I chose to feast my
Before I get into all the specifics I’m going to give you a summary of the book I picked
major problem is that the book seems to drag on and on the closer you get to the
I spent a minimum of half an hour in full pondering about having to choose a book. Not only a book, but the right book. I wanted to take this project as an opportunity to learn something new by reading literature I would enjoy. I did not want
A: Once upon a time, I had to read some announcements for my school. This was my worst public speaking. I was afraid. It was my first time reading the school announcements on the PA system. I made so many mistakes my teachers thought I was illiterate. I read some of the words wrong. I learn to alway read through whatever your reading in front of people.
what I truly want to write about. I probably could’ve come up with a way to write the paper that I
Writing is a process I’ve grown to despise. Ever since grade school, I’ve had problems trying to express my ideas on paper. My writing process involves thinking about what’s being asked and trying to reflect my thoughts the best way I can on paper, but my thoughts don’t always come out as clear as I want them to be sometimes leaving a question not fully answered. My writing process isn’t a consistent set in stone process, but since being in ENC 1101 I always follow some of the same parameters such as revising my drafts, grammar usage and considering context and audience.
Throughout Gerald Graff’s own personal struggle with reading books, he learned that reading critically while also engaging in critical and intellectual discussion could open a whole new world of personal connections he was never able to make before.
When trying to think of a positive writing experience I have had in my lifetime, particularly as a small child, I could not think of any. So I began to ask myself why is it that I do not like writing, what happened in my life for me to have such animosity towards the act. I was finally able to think of an event and realized that it had all begun in the 3rd grade. One day, as a punishment for talking during class, I was kept inside during recess and was forced to write Wise Old Owls until my hands began to cramp. For 45 minutes, I was only allowed to write the same old phrase over and over again; “The wise old owl sat on an oak, the more he heard, the less he spoke, the less he spoke the more he heard, why can’t I be like that wise old bird”. To this day I can still remember that little rhyme and to this day I can remember that same feeling I felt as a elementary school student. From that point on I have always had an aversion for writing, it always seemed like a punishment. I still do not understand how people can journal. I don’t see how someone can sit down and write an entry or a novel just for the hell of it. It seems unnatural to me, but I guess that all of these feelings are just because I see writing as a punishment, an
Writing can be a very difficult process for those who do not know how to go about constructing
I stared at the blinking cursor, unbelieving at what I had just done. I was indeed done; done with a paper I agonized over for 6 hours. The paper was due in a scant 4 hours and I had all week to do it. The radio had stopped working because my brother got on the Internet and thus cut off my connection. That was the least of my problems working on this paper. I got it done, though. My life changed with one trip of a teacher to the chalkboard and one phrase, narrative essay. God, I hate narrative essays.
No one could ever comprehend the hatred I had for reading- no one. Reading to me was just like being deathly ill, stuck inside, watching the neighbors play and know you couldn't join. On Monday morning I sat down in my teacher Mrs. Daniels class. I had a strange feeling reading would be an assignment coming up soon. I was dreading what I knew she was going to say next. “Class you will have 4 weeks to complete this book.” As I heard these words come out of her mouth I lowered myself into my seat like a turtle slowly going into its shell. I felt as if I was drowning and no one could save me until my life was over. Not only did I hate reading but I hated it even more when I was forced to. I thought in my head, “Why. Why make us read a dumb book that will do nothing but take away my social life.” Never did I know the book I was about to read would have such an impact
thing about me is that I hate writing anything with a pen and a paper. Most of the time
Currently there are many students tried to go to college and finish their degree. But some students don’t know what they should do in college and how to avoid the failure in classes. The failure will happen if you have no real goal or plan to finish it.
According to a 2001 Gallup poll, “more than 40% of Americans fear public speaking than death”, I was shocked to learn this statistics that I was not the only one. As I was pondering about what to write on my essay for my favorite school, I thought about my own childhood experience.
while they are taking an exam. Teachers should not be leaving the classroom while students