I Hate Writing Essay

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I wouldn’t really say I hate writing. Dislike writing, not comfortable with writing, struggle

with writing, these are terms that I feel are more relatable to myself. It’s just not something that

comes natural to me. Whenever I have to write something of a considerable length I cringe and

think back to all the grueling assignments I’ve completed in the past. I “hate” writing because of

how unnatural it is to me.

Writing and I have never had a good relationship. There’s nothing I enjoy about it. I have

trouble translating my thoughts to paper. Even right now, I have plenty of reasons in my head

about why writing sucks, but as soon as I go to write it down it becomes jumbled. Imagine you’re

a Polish Soldier in WWII trying to decipher …show more content…

Presentation day came around, Mrs. Zoake randomly selected five kids

per day to present their speech. My friend and I sat in the back of the class just praying we

would not get picked to present that day. We called it “dodging a bullet” every time a name was

called other than ours. I guess we kind of related performing a speech to getting hit by a bullet.

That’s a little extreme, but how could one enjoy the preparation for an assignment in which they

hate? Those previous negative experiences with public speaking are tied into my current hate of


Next were the prolonged book reports, journal entries and resumes with never ending

revisions. I don’t even want to discuss reading, just another task that requires a person to sit

and essentially do nothing for extended periods of time. Clearly not something I’d particularly

take pleasure in. After struggling through the book, I’d then have to write a report. That’s double

the pain in the ass! Its quite odd actually, because I distinctively remember loving the first book I

ever read. My seventh grade teacher Miss Bedic gave us a book report assignment. We had the

privilege of being able to choose the book we wanted to read. So of course I chose to feast my


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