I America

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Anything that happens is a consequence of a choice; whether right or wrong, whether it goes against your instincts or not, whether it makes you happy or not. In the name of a happy life waiting for you across the globe and for the sake of seeking answers about your identity, are you willing to dare take extra measures and prepare to conceal the truth at the cost of your personal dignity and self-gain? Ivan Andrew Payawal’s “I America” is a dramedy about identity-troubled woman named Erica (Bela Padilla) situated in Olongapo City who, aside from growing up with speaking in broken and fragmented English, lived her life trying to keep her and her adoptive family’s stomachs well-fed by doing sidelines in commercial modeling and acting. Her story began to unravel after failing to get her passport and US visa, which was her only means to meet her American father personally. During the course of Erica’s quest to seek the truth behind her supposedly “foreign” descent and bloodline, the film managed to successfully toss in and re-experience the several troubles of an ordinary Filipino in this modern time. I America molded Erica’s character after knowing that the American “father” who he has …show more content…

Although suffering from extremely long periods of shaky and obvious instances of camcording following the daily life of the main character which wasted a good number of important minutes to the film and a handful of underdeveloped characters which rendered them almost unimportant and insignificant to the plot, the film still achieved to pave its way in making everyone realize that the truth isn’t always pleasant and irrepressible, but the manner of accepting the truth is a matter of choice -- you rather stand up, take it down into your throat and move on or allow the truth permanently cripple and screw your entire lifetime of existence gradually and

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