I Am The Resurrection And The Life Study Guide

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As Easter approaches, final preparations for Easter retreats are coming closer to an end. Several regional ministers have released their schedules and themes for the sermons and bible studies that will be featured during the 3 day retreats. Below is a list of the many messages prepared to be preached throughout the regions. The mid-Atlantic region has thoroughly prepared their messages and lectures. Here is a breakdown of what's in store for the members. Bible Study 1: I am the resurrection and the Life (P. Samuel). The purpose of the message: introducing the meaning the whole retreat and the meaning of Easter. A summary of the meaning of Jesus’ death which is the gift of God, that give us eternal life.These 2 passages will be used【Jhn11:25】 Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;【Jhn11:26】 and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?' …show more content…

Leah) Purpose of the message: it is a murder: Jesus die because of our sin, it lead people to realize our sin and lead to repentance. Scripture: John 19:1-27 Bible Study 3: The meaning of the cross (part2): it is finished ( p. Cindy) Purpose of the message: his death is redemption for us: Jesus’ death is not just a murder, he die in the place of us, through the cross, God bring us redemption. Scripture: John 19: 28-30 Bible Study 4: Life after salvation (p. Sunny) Scripture: 【Gal2:20】 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Purpose of the message: how we should live after we receive salvation. What does the cross means in our daily life? we should together die with him and live for him. It leads to live a sanctified life where we deny ourselves, change from our old ways of life to live following the life of

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