I Am Jane Doe Analysis

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When you speak if such horror and evil, everyone says that this is the United States there is no way that is true and happening here. American mothers come together to fight one thing with one goal and that was to advocate and educate other about human trafficking. It has been called “a gripping legal thriller” by Esquire and “a powerful call to action” by the Los Angeles Times. I am Jane Doe testifies to the intense and legal encounter that many American families fight on behalf of underage loved ones that are horrified victims of human trafficking for commercial sex on “Backpage.com”, adult page owned by Village Voice Media. This was a classified advertising website, launched in 2004, by 2011 was the second largest classified advertiment …show more content…

Louis, Missouri. These families never saw a fighting chance and they will never be the same family as they were before. These families will never be the same and they never saw a fighting chance while fighting the red tape, going back and forth with judges, special interest groups, and the C.D.A. until now. This documentary includes interview form legislator, John McCain, editor and writers from the village voice, federal agents, attorneys, CIA analyst, and many others that helped these families fight a war that they never saw the light at the end of the tunnel when they started. After the families rescue their daughter they filled a lawsuit against “Backpage.com” after many travails “Backpage.com” decided to hire analysist to go through the posted advertisement to make sure the women were not participating in anything against there will, they used a list of words that were banned by the host website to prevent such criminal activities from happening. Although that was not enough for the families that have been affected by the horrors and evils that are lie within. The website was sued many times throughout the years and my many different

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