I Am Aisilyn: A Short Story

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Hi! I am Aisilyn. I live in Oklahoma. I have had a really good life so far, but mom and dad have been preparing and stressing for something. Oh yeah, by the way im 9. For some reason I feel like I should be scared. I am going to read the newspaper and see if I can find anything out. I just got done reading it. There will be deadly dust storms for a long time period. They estimate them to start tomorrow. I am gonna go get some of my small things from my room ready to keep safe. I am scared and mom feels bad, with the baby. We don’t know if its a girl or boy, or when its due so that is another bad thing. I hope it will be okay. Day 2 Daddy said that we ain’t leaving! He has to keep farming for money, and we need money. The first dust storm

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