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The impact of huckle berry finn
The impact of huckle berry finn
Essay on African American literature
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Still a problem in today’s society, the treatment of African Americans continues to cause problems in books, movies, television, and music. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel by Mark Twain, Huck Finn, and a runaway slave, Jim, search for freedom while traveling down the Mississippi River. Throughout their journey characters including Huckleberry Finn, the Phelps Family, and the Duke and King, depict racism and discrimination of African Americans in differing ways. Huckleberry Finn, a young boy from St. Petersburg’, is able to disregard the typical views of African Americans and see them as the humans they are. When Huck and Jim begin to converse and learn more about each other Huck is constantly surprised by Jim’s knowledge; even …show more content…
when Huck tries to outsmart Jim, his plans do not work and his fun is ruined. This shock that Jim is “most always right [and has] an uncommon level head, for a [slave]” shows Huck is changing his opinions, and progressing past the stereotypes (Twain 57). Although at the beginning Huck appears to be racist, these views are only those that he has learned from the people around him and do not depict how he really feels. As Jim and Huck’s journey progresses, so do Huck’s thoughts on African Americans. One day while they are talking on the raft, Jim begins to discuss his daughter, her condition, and how he feels about her and the rest of his family. Dumbfounded yet again, Huck “believes [Jim cares] just as much for his people as white folks do for [theirs], it does not seem natural [to Huck], but [he] reckons it is so” (Twain 117). These thoughts exemplify Huck’s development of character and common sense; he is beginning to realize that just because Jim is another race does not mean he is less human. Finally, towards the end of their great adventure, Huck is faced with a very difficult decision regarding Jim’s future. Contemplating whether or not to write a letter to Miss Watson declaring the location of Jim, Huck writes a letter only to rip it up and exclaim “all right then I’ll go to hell” (Twain 162). As a result, it is obvious Huck only treated African Americans the way he was taught, but after spending time with one and truly getting to understand and know them, Huck has made his own decision that Jim and all African Americans are equal to others. Similarly, to Huck, the Phelps family is able to work past the stereotypical treatment of African Americans; however, they show some hypocrisy by owning slaves themselves.
When Huck first meets Aunt Sally she welcomes him with open arms, and later when Tom arrives she claims “it would not be Southern hospitality to [let him walk]” (Twain 172). This side of the Phelps Family shows their stereotypical southern farming family that owns slaves and has no problem without. Having said that, Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas contradict themselves by treating Jim, a runaway slave, with great care and kindness. One day when Tom and Huck are visiting Jim in his shack, Jim tells them how “Uncle Silas comes in every day or two to pray with him, and Aunt Sally comes in to see if he is comfortable and has plenty to eat, and both of them are as kind as they can be” (Twain 187). This side of the Phelps is the complete opposite of what one would expect, especially considering Jim is a runaway slave who in some cases were even hung. Moreover, the Phelps show their kindness and disregard for the race when they “fix [Jim] up prime, and give him all he wanted to eat, and a good time, and nothing to do” (Twain 220). These acts of consideration show that although the Phelps family owns slaves, they acknowledge the fact that African Americans should be treated well and do not deserve to be discriminated against. Contrasting the views of Huck Finn and the Phelps family, the Duke and the King are unable to see past how society has told them to view and treat African
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain paints the story of a developing friendship between two entirely different people which at the time society considered unacceptable and taboo. Huckleberry Finn is a white thirteen year old boy and Jim is a middle-aged black runaway slave. They meet by coincidence while they are both hiding out on Jackson’s Island located in the middle of the Mississippi River, Huck is hiding from the townspeople who think he is dead, and Jim has runaway and is hiding from his owner. Throughout their journey together, Huck and Jim’s relationship goes from them being mere acquaintances, then to friends, then to them having a father and son relationship.
Mark Twain tells the story of Huckleberry Finn, and his maturity that is developed through a series of events. This maturity is encouraged through the developing relationship between Huck and Jim, as well as the strong influence Jim has on Huck. Jim's influence not only effects Huck's maturity, but his moral reasoning; and the influence society has on Huck. Jim is Huck's role model; even though Huck would not admit it. At first Jim seems to portray a Black stereotypical role with his superstitions and ignorance, although his true identity and maternal role begins to shine through as his interactions with Huck progress.
Over the 129 years for which the book has been in print, Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been regarded with much controversy, for many different reasons. As it has progressed, the subject of this controversy has been almost constantly changing. This essay will explore some of the claims and explanations of the controversy, as well as a discussion on whether the book is even that controversial. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion about this novel, The main complaints seem to revolve around three core topics: Twain’s portrayal of Jim and other blacks, The extensive use of the racial slurs and racism, and the final chapters of the book itself.
Mark Twain, a famous American writer-satirist wrote many books highly acclaimed throughout the world. For his masterpiece, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the literary establishment recognized him as one of the greatest writers America would ever produce. This novel is about a teenage boy by the name of Huck Finn whose father is an alcoholic. Because of his violence, Huck runs away and finds a runaway slave Jim. Instead of turning Jim in, Huck goes against society and makes a decision to help Jim break free from slavery. As they travel together, Huck learns more and more about Jim and starts to understand that the common stereotype of black people is wrong. Huck sees there is no difference between Jim and any white man he knows except for skin color. Risking his life and overcoming many difficulties on the way, Huck succeeds in freeing Jim. Focusing on racism, alcoholism and mob mentality, Mark Twain uses his enthusiastic style of writing and satirizes the three traits throughout the novel.
The book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn tell the tale of a young boy who embarks on an adventure, one that leads him to find himself. Throughout the novel Huck develops a sense of morality that was always there to begin with, but not nearly as developed as it is by the end of the novel. Through living on his own, independent of societal and peer pressures, Huck is able to identify his own morals in defining what is 'right ' or 'wrong '.
Growing up in civilization, Huck had recognized owning a slave as a societal norm. He slowly begins to realize the impact of society, on slaves and slaveholders. The more analyzation of the situation, the less comprehensible slavery became, and light was shown on the evils around it. Moral confusion ensues as those who seem to be kind and heaven bound, such as Miss. Watson and Sally Phelps, are oblivious to the inhumane injustice done to Jim and all of those enslaved. In this instance, Huck Finn has a more sound idea of morality than the adults in his life. During Huck’s impersonation of Tom, he is asked why he was delayed replying that a cylinder on a steamboat had blown up. When asked if anyone had been hurt, he comments that a “ni**er” has been killed. Sally then disregards this as a human life, and responds “Well
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Twain’s main characters depicted the societal issues of racism in the South. Huck Finn, a poor white boy, and Jim, an African American slave, both encounter situations that cause these characters inter turmoil because of the societal standards of the time. According to Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is the story of a young southern boy and his voyage down the Mississippi River accompanied by a runaway slave named Jim. Throughout the journey Huck and Jim face numerous obstacles and encounter a variety of interesting characters. These experiences help Huck to develop physically, intellectually, and most importantly, morally. Throughout the long expedition, readers can observe Huck’s transformation from an immature boy with poor values and ethics, to a matured young man with a moral conscience and a heightened sense of what is right and what is wrong despite what society says.
Whereas a reader in the 1880s might have overlooked the moral absurdity of giving a man custody of another man, however, the mirroring of this situation in the granting of rights to the immoral Pap over the lovable Huck forces the reader to think more closely about the meaning of slavery. In implicitly comparing the plight of slaves to the plight of Huck at the hands of Pap, Twain demonstrates how impossible it is for a society that owns slaves to be just, no matter how "civilized" that society believes and proclaims itself to be.
The subject this book revolves around slavery, and how white folks’ mindset on black people was popular at that time. Their mindset involved treating black people as inferior to them, and how to them, they were not even considered human but property. Twain also shows how sometimes a fourteen year old boy (Huck) was more morally correct towards treatment of black people than many adults of his time. Twain presents this in a humorous way with its serious points. The issue is obvious throughout the story and makes the reader wonder how even “good” characters treate...
Mark Twain’s masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn through much criticism and denunciation has become a well-respected novel. Through the eyes of a thirteen-year-old boy, Huckleberry Finn, Twain illustrates the controversy of racism and slavery during the aftermath of the Civil War. Since Huck is an adolescent, he is vulnerable and greatly influenced by the adults he meets during his coming of age. His expedition down the Mississippi steers him into the lives of a diverse group of inhabitants who have conflicting morals. Though he lacks valid morals, Huck demonstrates the potential of humanity as a pensive, sensitive individual rather than conforming to a repressive society. In these modes, the novel places Jim and Huck on pedestals where their views on morality, learning, and society are compared.
...me. Tom’s aunt and uncle thanked Jim for helping Tom and gave him anything he wanted. Tom’s Aunt Sally offered to adopt Huck, but Huck” [thought] it was time for him to head for the territory ahead of the rest because he knew she wanted to … sivilize [him], and he couldn’t stand it. He had been there before” (Twain 283).
Mark Twain’s book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, educates high school students on how the Southern society operated at that time. When analyzing the novel, one can see that Twain’s writing clearly does not endorse slavery or the use of derogatory language toward African-Americans. In a petition to remove this book from a high school required reading list, a school board in New Jersey concluded, "the literary value of the book outweighed the negative aspect of the language employed.” (2) Huckleberry Finn is a satirical novel that was written to show the flaws of 19th century American society. It shows how people thought and acted back then, and points out what was wrong with the white supremacy mindset of many Southerners during these years. “The book itself is a great testament that...
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is considered a classic novel from the realism period of American Literature that accurately depicts social conventions from pre-civil war times. Despite this reputation as a historical lens of life on the Mississippi River, elements of blatant racism overshadow the regionalist and realist depictions. Huck Finn does not promote racism because all derogatory or racist remarks are presented as a window to life during the 1850s, in a satirical context, or to show Mark Twain's moral views on racism. Huckleberry Finn accurately presents the mistreatment, abuse, and hatred that African Americans faced in pre-civil war times. Huck Finn portrays racism as a part of life and as a social normality accepted by most people.
They face racism every day, with mindless judgement put upon them simply by the color of their skin. As freedom for African Americans only came within the past two hundred years, and desegregation within the past one hundred years, racism still dwells within communities and schools. Africans Americans face prejudices just as they have in the past two hundred years and beyond, “It most froze me to hear such talk. He wouldn 't ever dared to talk such talk in his life before. Just see what a difference it made in him the minute he judged he was about free”(Twain 110). Such racism dwells from the many centuries that blacks were seen as inhuman, or even three-fifths of one, and even today in the media, race has major pertinence, for example, when speaking of someone who robbed a store, without a second thought the media states the person’s race as if that pertains to the crime somehow. Therefore, stereotypes and judgements of race come about, such as all young African American boys are troubled. Nearly the same thing happened two hundred years ago at the time the novel was written, an African American was seen as inhumane and unequal, an assumption that was obviously false. For example,an African American man cannot achieve the same goals as a white individual: “Jim never gains the intellectual complexity of Huck, never becomes a figure of disruptive alienation, nor even seems capable of learning this from Huck”(Carey-Webb). Twain’s failure to develop Jim as a character shows his judgements towards African Americans, and makes aware the stereotypes of African Americans today, the stereotypical young man of that minority does not have the same aspirations as one of European origin. Even though many young men have repeatedly falsified that claim, many still see worth in it. The media of today represents the minority with many blind