Racism: A Lingering Echo in Huckleberry Finn

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Racism, a major issue in society for hundreds of years, even after the abolition of slavery, still affects millions of people. African Americans today still sensitivities towards racism, and the reading of Huckleberry Finn demonstrates the pertinence of racism today similarly to two hundred years ago. When reading novels containing nineteenth century racism, African American readers are exposed to the torments their ancestors were put through, and the novel can have a positive or negative effect in that the reader may enjoy the learning of their history but may also feel humiliated in relation to their classmates of other races. In the literary novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, the apparent racism in the book affects …show more content…

They face racism every day, with mindless judgement put upon them simply by the color of their skin. As freedom for African Americans only came within the past two hundred years, and desegregation within the past one hundred years, racism still dwells within communities and schools. Africans Americans face prejudices just as they have in the past two hundred years and beyond, “It most froze me to hear such talk. He wouldn 't ever dared to talk such talk in his life before. Just see what a difference it made in him the minute he judged he was about free”(Twain 110). Such racism dwells from the many centuries that blacks were seen as inhuman, or even three-fifths of one, and even today in the media, race has major pertinence, for example, when speaking of someone who robbed a store, without a second thought the media states the person’s race as if that pertains to the crime somehow. Therefore, stereotypes and judgements of race come about, such as all young African American boys are troubled. Nearly the same thing happened two hundred years ago at the time the novel was written, an African American was seen as inhumane and unequal, an assumption that was obviously false. For example,an African American man cannot achieve the same goals as a white individual: “Jim never gains the intellectual complexity of Huck, never becomes a figure of disruptive alienation, nor even seems capable of learning this from Huck”(Carey-Webb). Twain’s failure to develop Jim as a character shows his judgements towards African Americans, and makes aware the stereotypes of African Americans today, the stereotypical young man of that minority does not have the same aspirations as one of European origin. Even though many young men have repeatedly falsified that claim, many still see worth in it. The media of today represents the minority with many blind

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