Hunting Wolves: The Dangers Of Hunting And Regulation

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Wolves, as with most wild animals, need to be hunted and regulated. For generations people have been hunting wolves for their pelts, and to keep families, pets and livestock safe. By hunting wolves we can also keep the wolf packs healthier while making sure they don’t get over run with disease. It also assures that hunters will have wild game for sport and food. Wolves cause a major threat to families, their livestock, wild game animals and to bear hunters’ dogs living in rural areas. Wolves are a growing threat and they should be legally regulated by the process of hunting and trapping so they are kept down to a healthy number.
Human kind began hunting wolves at least 13,000 years ago when the wolf became a threat to their livestock. Over the past hundred years wolves were hunted for their pelts and also so that farmers could keep their livestock safe. What most extremist wolf supporters don’t know is that wolves were not an extinct species. There actually are 40-60 thousand wolves in North America. Within the lower 48 states of the U.S. the …show more content…

The general public needs to dig deeper than the newspaper in order to get real facts on wolf issues. What needs to be considered is the biological proof of wolf kill issues and then that information put side by side with hunter kill statistics. Once you do the math you can see that a single wolf eats a ton of meat every year, that being 5-10 pounds of meat a day. It hunts daily every day of the year, it has no limited or regulated season the way human hunters do and it takes a lot of wild game to fill up just one wolf thus decreasing a species population quickly. Hunters have seasons that are strategically set to make sure population reproduction is not effected drastically. Wolves, however, have no season close; their season includes the birthing months were game is normally protected so it can repopulate and mature making sure the species

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