Growing up in Madrid: A Tomboy's Journey

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Hello, everyone. First I’d like to thank my friends and family and everyone who came here to listen today, I just hope you can make something out of this few minutes that we’re gonna spend together. I really don’t know how to start, so I guess I’ll just start from the very beginning. I was born in May 1998, in Madrid, Spain. For pretty much my whole life that’s where I’ve lived, with my three brothers and my parents. Growing up surrounded by boys made me be kind of a tomboy while growing up, which, even though it was hard sometimes, it is something that I would never change about my childhood, because not only i had a lot of fun playing soccer with the boys, but also made me grow up with a more open mind than I would’ve had if i had only been friends with all girls. As I got older I started hanging out with my girl friends more than my guy friends. The first year was not easy, I have to admit. We were different, and middle school in general is not the greatest time of anyone’s life. But as a matter of fact that year of social struggle made me mature and change my mindset. After that, I became friends again with those same girls, we put those small differences we had apart and we became closer with the years. On the summer of my freshman year I came to America for the first time, I stayed here …show more content…

That’s life, life is a learning process. You learn from people and you learn from experiences. Every experience in your life, whether is good or bad, is just part of your learning process and makes you the person you are. That’s how i look back at my life and that’s how I try to look to everything that happens to me. Is not only a positive thought that can get you through rough moments, but it is also true: at the end everything is going to be okay and everything that happens is just and experience that you learn from, as well as the people that surround you are people that you learn

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