Humorous Wedding Speech Essay

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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, teachers, students, and most of all, graduates of the Class of 2018. It's truly an honor to be standing before you on this special day. First and foremost, I would like to start this speech off by thanking my parents, who have raised me since the day I was born and have helped me become the person I am today. All of my achievements are not only mine, but theirs too, because without my mom and dad's hard work and encouragement, I would not be standing here and speaking to all of you today. In fact, none of us would have come this far without the support of our families. Therefore, I would like to personally thank my family and I hope you'll join me in a round of applause in thanking all of your families as well.

I believe I speak for every senior gathered here when I say that this day seemed like it would never arrive. Graduation has always seemed like a far off event, never to be attained. Yet, against all odds, we've managed to make it. From the countless hours spent trying to comprehend calculus to all the time spent solving physics practice problems... everything has led up to this singular moment. Here we stand, 17 or 18 years of life and 12 years of schooling behind us. We have all the …show more content…

Speaking before you today, my ninth-grade self would have been curled up into a ball, crying at the idea of giving a speech in front of a crowd. But now, as I look out into the crowd before me, it doesn't seem so bad. Being in this school since the first grade has allowed me to grow in more ways than I can imagine. MIS has allowed me to mold my aspirations, tremendously grow my confidence, and foster lasting friendships -- friendships without which I would have been completely

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