Humorous Wedding Speech By A Student

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Good Morning ladies and gentleman,
Good Morning to the honourable school principle, good morning to all of the parents that attending this graduation, and good morning to all of my beloved friends.
First of all I would say thank you to the God, I can standing here, to be the representative of the school to deliver my speech about the graduation. Also, thank you to all of the student for the trust that gave it to me.
As a student, it is our responsibility to learn and keep learning. Education is an important matter in the world right now. Without education we will be nothing. We cannot reach the better life and we cannot help other people. Therefore, we entering the school. We learn about many things in school, be friends with other and know …show more content…

First time you entering the high school, you feel nervous, you thought about so many bad things, can you make friends with others?, can other student accept you in their friendship life?, the lessons and stuff. You just like a newborn baby with an anxious feeling. However, day by day, month by month, and even years have passed.
3 years have passed. It’s a long time for some people but for few people it’s a short time. A long time because you should have a bad homework, the bad mark, all of the dramas between your friends and struggling with the lessons. Short time because 3 years it’s a short time to fix everything, you haven’t say sorry to your friends, and some of you should continue your study in university. Separate with your best friend it’s a hard situation. For me, this place it’s a precious place. Does not matter it’s a long term or short, I will always remember this place.
My friends, my teachers, the spot that I always went if I feel sad. I will go to the college like some of the student do. I have no idea what will happen it the future, and honestly I am not ready to leave this high school. Nevertheless, life should keep going, there is so much things wait you in the future. Do not be afraid of challenge, do not be afraid to taking risk if it’s good for

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