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Forced child prostitution
Human trafficking is easy
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Human Trafficking Culture
Yesterday I had someone tell me well that is overseas, not here in Nevada. The next 30 minutes was spent educating this college student the truth of human trafficking taking place every day in Las Vegas, NV and across the nation. When hearing we live still live with slavery every day, most people react to the statement with denial. Sexual slavery, forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation are included in human trafficking, which is human slavery that is happening every day. Forced prostitution is referred to any conditions of control over a person who has been coerced, forced or deceived by another individual to engage in sexual activity. With or without consent if the person is under aged eighteen they are considered to be sexually trafficked. In this paper the women (of all ages) forced into prostitution will be the community looked at by the Systems Theory and Social-Psychological Theory.
Systems Theory
Systems theory focuses on the dynamics among and interactions of people in their environment (cite, kirst social work & Welfare). This system is a group of a human trafficking ring that is complex and involves many people. Delving deeper into the system shows the boundaries are abundant, starting with the traffickers who are the actors that play the part of friends/boyfriends to fool the women. A main stakeholder on the outer boundaries is all the profiteers. People who profit vary depending on the circumstance; it could be the pimps, the brothel owners, motel owners renting the rooms or the escort services. The women are the main actors because the ring would not exist without them. Outside the group’s boundaries involve the local law enforcement, the community as a whole and the purchasers o...
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...g” in this community, especially when women watch other women leave and not return,
Standards, behaviors, expectations, routines, and practices are another aspect that needs to be addressed when using the Social-Psychological theory. A method of controlling the women is when one does not perform as expected, their punishment is to watch another women be tortured for her mistakes. A practice use is threatening the person’s family, depriving the person of basic necessities, such as food, water, or sleep. Severe beatings are within a normal course of daily events for victims that do not comply with the enforced routine. The women are expected to meet the “johns” and comply with all requests without any fuss. Constant use of these practices wears the spirit out of the women and they become docile, while looking to numb the internal pain with drugs and alcohol.
Human trafficking is modern slavery. Human trafficking is a serious problem but affects our home, Las Vegas the most. It’s such a problem, because people fail to recognize it, and don’t understand the severity of the crime. Human trafficking is where children, teens, and adults are prostituted for money. Some are forced to have sex. Human trafficking occurs all over the world, but its effect in Nevada is devastating. There have been 2,229 victims of human trafficking that have been saved since 1994.
Women in every culture assume a significant role in human trafficking. But only in China has a woman been found at the top of a major transnational trafficking organization. Sister Ping was sentenced to thirty-five years’ imprisonment by an American court for conspiracy to commit alien smuggling, other smuggling charges, and money laundering after many Chinese died on her vessel the Golden Venture off the East Coast of the United States. Before this tragedy, she had run a highly successful multimillion-dollar criminal empire that stretched across several continents. Sister Ping rationalized her role in human smuggling in that she believed she was providing a public service for migrants who could not enter the United States without her services. Members of the Chinatown community where she resided for many years reinforced this perception of her as a service provider to
Every day women, children, and even men are kidnapped, taken from their families, and forced into free labor and sexual exploitation. According to a new report from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, as many as 9,298 cases of human trafficking have been reported in the past five years, but these are only the instances in which it has been reported. Furthermore, the report also shows that from December 7th, 2007 to December 31st, 2012, cases of human trafficking were reported in all 50 states. Just how many more are under the radar? One of the definitions given for slavery is the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune.
Social service professionals work to address the problem of human trafficking in a number of ways. Social workers are unique in their approach to this issue because they can address it from a number of angles. For example, social workers concentrate on both the individual victim as well as their social and economic situation which distinguishes it from other professions such as counseling (Palmer, 2010). Social workers meet the needs of human trafficking victims according to the principles outlined in the National Association of Social Worker’s Code of Ethics. (Palmer 2010). Nancy Palmer (2010) notes, that despite some similarities, human trafficking victims have “more complex and wide-ranging service needs” than those who suffer from related criminal acts. (p.48). Education is an important aspect of a social workers job not only to be aware of the problem and of the appropriate standards of action but also to recognize potential victims. Stotts & Ramey’s (2009) research shows, “it is entirely possible for a counselor to come in contact with a victim of trafficking without knowing it. Situations in which counselors are most likely to come into contact with a potential victim include homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, or crisis hotlines” (p.44). Social workers who suspect a possible victim can confirm through the National Trafficking Resource Center as well locating local services available to sufferers. If the victim is in immediate danger then social service workers notify local law enforcement (Stotts & Ramey, 2009). Once victims are identified, then social workers turn to meeting their physical and psychological needs by providing mental and health care to individuals and groups. Studies indicate that victims e...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (Declaration of Independence, ).” In the media there have been many movies, documentaries, articles, television broadcasts that centered on raising awareness for human trafficking. It has been going on for far too long and many don’t realize or recognize that is going on strongly in America and to Americans; as well as, surrounding countries. Human Trafficking by definition is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or for the extraction of organs or tissues, including surrogacy and ova removal. It is modern form of slavery that strips victims of their freedom and violates our nation’s promise that every person in the United States is guaranteed basic human rights. It is also a crime. Approximately three out of every 1,000 persons worldwide were in forced labor at any given point in time between 2002 and 2011. Victims of human trafficking include not only men and women lured into forced labor by the promise of a better life in the United States, but also boys and girls who were born and raised in here in the United States. Human trafficking and its relationship with the media/news will be discussed throughout the remainder of this paper, focus will be placed on how they present the topic, whether or not enough awareness is being raised toward the topic and is it making a difference. The news job is to inform the public of events that occurring around them. The paper will be focusing on new...
Human trafficking is the illegal transport, reception, and/or housing of human beings against their will. It’s an action. An important component of human trafficking is that the intent be to enslave the person. Enslaved persons, largely comprised of women and children, are forced to be house servants, to do heavy labor like working in fields, and/or to commit various sex acts. They can be tricked into going with the trafficker because they believe that they’re going to be smuggled into another country, hired for a job, or in other ways. They are also often taken by force. Slavery is dehumanizing, demeaning, and robs individuals of their own lives. Ensuring the human right from slavery is a task that many of countries have undertaken. President Barack Obama said it best: “It ought to concern every person, because it is a debasement of our common humanity. It ought to concern every community, because it tears at our social fabric. It ought to concern every business, because it distorts markets. It ought to concern every nation, because it endangers public health and fuels violence and organized crime. I’m talking about the injustice, the outrage, of human trafficking, which must be called by its true name – modern slavery.” (whitehouse.gov) One voice is like an ever expanding ripple. In choosing to become educated about the issue ourselves, we become able to contribute to raising awareness and awareness will help combat, even prevent, human trafficking.
Sex trafficking is a term that covers a range of activities. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines it as “a modern-day form of slavery in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under the age of 18 years” (The Campaign 1). Victims of sex trafficking may be forced to do any number of activities to earn money for their traffickers. These include “prostitution, pornography, stripping, live-sex shows, mail-order brides, military prostitution and sex tourism” (10). Wherever there is demand for the sexual exploitation of a certain type of individual, such as teenage girls, young boys or children, traffickers will find people to meet that demand. Unfortunately, this puts innocent people in situations where they are taken advantage of.
When the topic of slavery is up for discussion, many individuals think of American history. In fact, the United States abolished slavery in 1865, the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude...shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction" (The United States Constitution). Although it is believed slavery is a thing of the past, its existence is evident in countless countries around the world.
Sex trafficking is essentially systemic rape for profit. Force, fraud and coercion are used to control the victim’s behavior which may secure the appearance of consent to please the buyer (or john). Behind every transaction is violence or the threat of violence (Axtell par. 4). Just a decade ago, only a third of the countries studied by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had legislation against human trafficking. (Darker Side, par.1) Women, children, and even men are taken from their homes, and off of the streets and are brought into a life that is almost impossible to get out of. This life is not one of choice, it is in most times by force. UNODC estimates that the total international human trafficking is a $32-billion-per-year business, and that 79% of this activity comprises sexual exploitation. As many as 2 million children a year are victims of commercial sexual exploitation, according the the U.S. State Department.-- Cynthia G. Wagner. (Darker Side, par. 4) The words prostitute, pimp, escort, and stripper tend to be way too common in the American everyday vocabulary. People use these words in a joking manner, but sex trafficking is far from a joke. Everyday, from all different countries, people are bought and sold either by force or false promises. Some are kidnapped and others come to America with dreams of a dream life and job. The buyers involved in the trade will do anything to purchase an innocent life just to sell for their own selfish profit. Many people wouldn’t think of a human body to be something you can buy in the back room of a business or even online. But those plus the streets are where people are sold most often. There are many reasons and causes for sex trafficking. The factors behind sex traffic...
One reason why human trafficking is a serious crime that many people are unaware of is because it secretly takes place in the United States. Between 2007 and 2012, there were reports of 9,298 different cases of human trafficking (Polaris Project). An example of how unknown this topic is is that 41% of sex trafficking cases and 20% of labor trafficking cases were proven to have United States citizens as victims (Polaris Project). And this is only what we know so far. There are thousands of cases that we don’t know about. Many people also don’t know that men, women, and even children are also taken hostage by human traffickers. An example of this would be that out of those 9,298 cases that were reported, women were victims of sex trafficking in 85% of those cases. Men were victims of labor trafficking in 40% of those cases (Polaris Project). Approximately 300,000 children are at risk of being prostituted in the United States (U.S. Department of Justice). Children are even more under the radar than we know about. On average, one in three teenagers on the street will be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving their home (National Runaway Hotline). For example, two female friends who were minors ran away from home and were prom...
Human trafficking, or the selling and buying of people, is a well-hidden yet prominent issue within today’s society. It is both an immoral and horrific topic that needs brought to attention and dealt with. When human beings are manipulated into work, sexual servitude, or economic hardship, human trafficking is occurring. In the year of 2006, only one individual is convicted of human trafficking per 800 victims (UNGIFT). By looking at straight statistics, reasons human trafficking happens, and the toll it has on people, it is very clear that this is a major issue that is happening in our world.
The world of trafficking and smuggling involves a variety of criminal activities. These activities include sex work, narcotics, forced-labor, and much more. While criminal activities falling under the umbrella of trafficking and smuggling involve crossing national boarders, similarities with smaller cases studies we have looked at earlier this semester arise, but because of the diversity within these criminal activities also ascend. Sex trafficking victims and the street sex workers we looked at earlier this semester have similar public perceptions that denies them the opportunity to improve their situations through sex. Kleemans and Smit suggest that “discussions of human trafficking tend to overemphasize images of cruel offenders and helpless
Human Trafficking is trading human beings for sex, labor, or any other force trade. It is known as modern day slavery. Many people in the United States believe that slavery was abolished long ago, but the truth is slavery exist more now than it ever has before. People are being trafficked all around us. Victims of human trafficking range in age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Typically victims share one thing in common, they become isolated from either their country of origin or their families in hope of a better life. Nearly 100,000 children in the United States are currently exploited through commercial sex trade. Over 27 million people worldwide are trapped in human trafficking. Many people are negligent of the fact that millions of people are currently living enslaved in the sex industry. The statistic remains that there is a battle going on worldwide. Ending any form of human slavery will never happen, but becoming aware of the problem and creating ways to stop the numbers from rising or even getting the numbers to decrease should be important. People are not property and no one human being should own another human being. Battles are fought all over the world for people who are oppressed, why is there not a bigger battle for the millions of people being bought and sold right now? It is injustice. Although this global crime is a huge problem that seems way too big to begin solving. There is a way to become aware, speak out, and stop sitting on the sidelines. Even though many people picture slavery as a thing of the past, it never ended. Even though many citizens of the United States see slavery in their mind as something in some far off country and brush the notion aside, t...
Human trafficking- “It’s a bigger business than the arms and weapons trade. It's a lot easier and more lucrative than drug smuggling. In fact, some say, trafficking in human beings is surpassed only by the oil industry in magnitude and revenue” (Phnom Penh Post). Human, and more specifically child trafficking in Cambodia has been a large issue for decades, becoming normalized to the point of being deemed part of the tourism industry. According to the United Nations “The recruitment, transportation … of persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion … to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation” (Dhavan et al.). Two of the largest forms of trafficking within Cambodia
Slavery was one of the first problems in the field of human rights, causing serious international concern. Yet, despite the universal condemnation, and at sunset of the twentieth century, a practice similar to slavery, remains a serious and pressing problem. Today, under the word "slavery" is subject to a number of human rights violations. In addition to slavery in its traditional sense and the slave trade, these abuses include the sale of children, child prostitution, child pornography, exploitation of child labor, application of genital mutilation of girls, the use of children in armed conflicts, debt bondage, trafficking in persons and human organs, exploitation of prostitution and certain practices under apartheid and colonial regimes. A practice like slavery can be hidden. This makes it difficult to get a clear picture of the scale of modern slavery, as well as the identification of such practices, punishment, or eradication. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the