Human Trafficking

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Modern-day Slavery
It's hard for me to conceive that there are bad people who abuse others for their own good. I think that the purest things that human beings possess are: his body, his soul, and the liberty to do his will. When an individual corrupts someone else soul, this one, becomes purest. When an individual corrupts someone else’s body, this one, becomes marked. When we hear about human trafficking what first comes to our mind is a girl from a different country who is been slaved against her will. We think that this phenomenon is something that does not happen here in the United States. Prostitution is not associated with human trafficking because we believe that prostitution is a choice that those girls make to make a living and we forget that they are been controlled by pimps and in some cases they are abused by those pimps. Just because they have a different name does not mean that they are not equally wrong.
Human trafficking in the United States is the same as in Cambodia. Nobody wants to believe that this is happening were we live but it is happening and we need to take action in order for it to stop. The articles “Sex trafficking in the USA hits close to home”, “Human trafficking: Modern-day slavery”, “Missing children rescued from Super Bowl sex trade in FBI sting”, “Police say 24 children rescued from human trafficking scheme”, and “what about human trafficking in US?” are just a few of the many articles affiliated with human trafficking. Some of these articles will shock you with the information that they contain is so close to home.
First, Kristof, Nicolas D. author of “What about human trafficking in US?” mentions a question we all might have thought about which is: Why don’t human trafficking victims escape?...

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... protect their selves. Some of these signs include bruises, been absent from school a lot, frequently traveling, older boyfriends and others. Although, it is hard to believe it is an issue that the United States is facing but since it is just something very disturbing people don’t feel comfortable talking about it. Human trafficking is just a modern term today form of slavery. It is morally wrong to force another person to do anything against their will. Children are the future of our world and it is our obligation to protect them and take good care of them. Humans do not deserve to be treated as worthless artifacts by someone who feels superior. The saddest thing is, knowing that money is the biggest motivation for a person to dehumanize someone else. We live in a nation based on equality which is why we need to make everything possible for everyone to be free.

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