Human Energy Field and Telekinesis

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As the intellect of the human race continues to increase, different ideas are brought about while others become disregarded due to lack of belief or interest in the subject. The latter applies in the case of psychic phenomenon. What was at one point in time a large fad that many people took part and faith in has slowly been forgotten and set aside. The most well-known area of psychic phenomenon is telekinesis, or the ability to affect objects, random events, and environments using only one’s mind with no physical interaction ( Radford). While it is currently widely believed to be an impossible feat, there have still been many tests and theories set to it attempting to prove it’s potential with promising outcomes. In an ever changing world with endless new discoveries, there is no reason to neglect the possibility of the human mind reaching new potentials. As the field of study has expanded, so has its legitimacy. While some say that there is no connection between a person and the environment around them, it is possible to affect objects and a person’s surrounding environment through telekinetic interaction, proven through numerous tests, examinations and studies by scientists with positive results. Many highly regarded intellectuals and physicists have taken interest in the probability of telekinesis over the years. One of the most renowned names in the research and study of psychic phenomenon is J.B. Rhine, also referred to as “The Father of Modern Psychology”. He was the first to build a research center that focused on finding evidence that people may have abilities unexplainable by science. The Rhine Research Center used Zener card tests which allowed people to demonstrate their ability to acquire information with, none... ... middle of paper ... ...volution RSS. Collective Evolution, 5 Sept. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2013. *Oschman, Jim. "Reiki News Articles." Science Measures the Human Energy Field. The International Center for Reiki Training, n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. *The Parapsychological Association. "J.B. Rhine (deceased)." J.B. Rhine (deceased). AAAS, 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. *PEAR. "Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research." Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research. Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, 2010. Web. 04 Dec. 2013. * Radford, Benjamin. "Telekinesis: Facts About Mind Over Matter." LiveScience, 22 Mar. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2013. Wilson, Robert Anton. "Timothy Leary's Eight Circuits of ConsciousnessFrom Robert Anton Wilson'sCosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati." The Eight Circuits of Consciousness. The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

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