Human Development : The Nine Month Journey Of Pregnancy

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From conception to birth, the nine-month journey of pregnancy is a beautiful process that occurs all throughout the world. Human development begins when two gametes the sperm and ovum join together creating a new being. An infant is composed of 23 chromosomes from each parent for a total of 46 chromosomes. There are three stages of pregnancy, which include, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester. In addition, three periods can also help to describe, prenatal development. The periods of pregnancy are described as the following:
1. The Germinal Period (first two weeks after conception): rapid cell division and beginning of cell differentiation
2. The Embryonic Period (3rd through 8th week): basic forms of all body structures develop
3. The Fetal Period (9th week until birth): fetus grows in size and matures in functioning.
“Research shows that our development in the womb can have a profound influence on our later lives” (Prenatal Development). Proper prenatal care is essential towards a healthy pregnancy for both the mother and child. The mother’s health, nutrition, and caring for herself are crucial during the nine-month time period, in addition to after giving birth. In today’s age, information is easily accessible to assist towards a healthy pregnancy. However, in different parts of the world that is not always possible without guided assistance. For example as seen in the video, in the tiny nation of Lesotho one in forty-eight women die during childbirth (Risking Life). Minor complications can become life threatening to both the mother and child. Twelve easy steps towards a healthy pregnancy for both mom and child are as the following:
Prenatal Care- Call your healthcare provider as soon as possible to schedule your first prenatal a...

... middle of paper ... as excitement, anxiety, fear, and lastly depression. Talking to your doctor or psychiatrist about your emotions and symptoms will help with the new role as a mother. Therapy and or medication can help with the associated depression.
All in all, pregnancy and giving birth to a child is a life-changing event. I found this quote wonderful and wanted to share it among the class. “Motherhood and fatherhood is a choice you make everyday, to put someone else 's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you 're not sure what the right thing is...and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong (Donna Ball).”
Prenatal Development. Films On Demand. Films Media Group, 2001. Web. 10 Sept. 2015. .
"Risking Life to Give Birth - PIH Lesotho." YouTube. Partners in Health, n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.

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