How to Purchase a Tablet
Tablet computers have become all the rage. They are small mobile computers that can be taken anywhere. Tablets are equipped with cameras and touchscreen keyboards eliminating the need to bring your camera, video recorder, or mouse. Tablets are larger than smart phones and PDA’s (personal digital assistants), measuring about 7 inches diagonally (Wikipedia). This makes it easier to read novels or newspapers, play games, check weather, and view movies or video.
A new study from the Online Publishers Association (OPA) concluded that tablet sales are “exploding.” The results show that 31 percent of Internet users now own a tablet compared to 12 percent in 2011. The projected results for next year are estimated at 47 percent (Moscaritolo). The survey also found that more consumers are buying Android tablets. Currently, 52 percent of tablet owners have an iPad, and 51 percent use an Android tablet. (The percentages don’t add up since some consumers have more than one type of tablet).
The market today is flooded with endless tablet choices for purchase: The Apple iPad Air (Figure 1) has many impressive features including Wi-Fi, 9.7 inch Retina Display, Apple iOS 7, 16 GB of memory, and an A7 chip with M7 motion coprocessor. Prices start at $500 on up depending on which features you choose.
Figure 1 Apple iPad Air (Target)
Another popular tablet is the Kindle Fire HDX 7” (Figure 2) with features of 7 inch HDX Display, Wi-Fi, optional 4G LTE Wireless capacity, and 16 GB, 32 GB, or 64 GB. Prices start at $200.
Figure 2 Kindle Fire HDX (Gotta Be MOBILE)
The Nook HD 8GB (Figure 3) is still available but losing popularity. The Nook features include a 7 inch touchscreen, 1.3 GHz processor, 8 GB...
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...ablet: What's the Difference. 9 April 2011.Web. 14 Nov. 2013 .
Gotta Be MOBILE. 2013.Web. 14 Nov. 2013 .
Moscaritolo, Angela. Survey: 31 Percent of Internet Users Own Tablets. 18 June 2012.Web. 14 Nov. 2013 . na. Investopedia. 17 Nov. 2011.Web. 14 Nov. 2013 .
Schmidt, C. You want to buy a tablet but have no idea which one is best? 2011.Web. 14 Nov. 2013 .
Target. 2013.Web. 14 Nov. 2013 .
Wikipedia. 2013.Web. 14 Nov. 2013 .
Wolverton, Troy. The Seattle Times. 25 Nov. 2011.Web. 14 Nov. 2013. .
With the advances in technologies there has been many bookstore close because we are able to download books and read them in our hand held devices. It is sad to see so many businesses close due to the advances in technologies. What I do like about being able to download books is that we no longer have to find somewhere to store the books because we can save them in our devices. Since we are also able to view movies on our electronic
Handheld displays are computing devices with a display that the user can hold in their hands. Video-see-through techniques overlay graphics onto the real environment and employ sensors, such as GPS units, Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and accelerometers for their six degrees of freedom tracking. Currently smart-phones and Tablet PCs are the most popular types of handheld device. Smart-phones and tablets are very portable and have many capabilities. They are becoming increasingly more powerful with advances in their hardware and software capabilities. This makes them a very
As a young college student walking into a Best Buy to purchase a laptop for college can be a little intimidating. There are many things to consider such as hard drive, what processors are the best, which screen has the best resolution, or would you rather build a computer that best suits you. The options are endless and in most cases it can become overwhelming, due to the rapid expansion in technology a variety of products that are available have increased dramatically in the past 7 years. Some of the most important criteria that should be considered when evaluating these products are portability, performance, and price. The MacBook Air is an interesting product, because it isn’t top of the line in any of these criteria. In fact, it has a balance of all three that have made it one of the top selling products of recent. Of course no laptop is made to run the same, but that is what makes this specific different than others.
The percentage of Americans who own or use cell phones is astounding. The Post Courier reports that about half of the American population now owns a cell phone.
The Kindle Fire was first released by Amazon on November 15th, 2011. The Kindle Fire is smaller than the average tablet but larger than a smartphone. The Kindle Fire series spans seven generations of tablet computers released between 2011 and 2018. The original first-generation Kindle Fire features a 7-inch multi-touch display with a 1024x600 resolution and up to 16 million colors. The screen is protected from damage by the scratch-resistant Gorilla Glass. The tablet features a dual-core processor with 512MB of RAM. It also offers 8GB of internal storage space, Wi-Fi capabilities, a micro-USB port, and an internal accelerometer. The recently released seventh generation Kindle Fire introduced a 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, up to 32GB of internal storage, Bluetooth 4.1 capabilities, a microSDXC card slot up to 256GB in size, and two different cameras: a 2-megapixel back camera and a 0.3-megapixel front camera.
Amazon Kindle is one of Amazon’s recent remarkable products. Kindle is a portable device which allows user to read, download, and store e-books due to its wireless connection and internal memory (Amazon, 2009). The first version was originally launched in US market in 2007 and achieved success as sold out in five and a half hours (Patel, 2007). Later, Kindle has been through several upgraded versions; Kindle original, Kindle 2, Kindle DX, Kindle DX Graphite, and the most recent version Kindle 3 with improvements mostly on the shape, contrast, memory capacity, and operating system. Earlier versions of Kindle had been criticized for its aesthetic and user interface issues. Reviews from customers and gadget experts motivated Amazon to further improve the product.
Kaiser, Tiffany. "DailyTech - L.A. Unified School District IPads to Cost $100 More Per Device." DailyTech - L.A. Unified School District IPads to Cost $100 More Per Device. N.p., 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014.
...nging technology market, they too have to make more innovative tablets capable of advanced multitasking.
Huggestuen, John, 2013, December 15th.. Smartphone and Tablet Penetration. The Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed Mar 25th, 2014]
"Teaching With Tablets | Inside Higher Ed." Teaching With Tablets | Inside Higher Ed. Stephanie Hedge, 4 Nov. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
Elliott, Philip. "Schools Shift from Textbooks to Tablets." The Big Story. AP News, 6 Mar. 2013.
In the United States, using a smartphone or tablet has been an unstoppable trend. According to the report from Pew Internet, in the United States, 56% of all adult population is smartphone user, 35% have cellphone, which is not a smartphone, and only 9% do not own any cell phone (Smith). At the same time, the tablet computer has been growing substantially since 2010, especially with the advent of Windows 8. Pew Internet shows that 34% of the United States adult population owns a tablet computer, representing a growth of more than 30% in three years (Zickuhr). Although these reports were based on the adult population, many children their own mobile devices. Such a device will provide them the accessibility to browse the Internet, listen to music, watch videos, play games both instantly and with unlimited quantity.
Technology has made our lives more productive in many different ways. One of the greatest inventions is Apple’s products. It leads to an evolution of tablet devices. An iPad or iPhone can act as a textbook, laptop, navigation, camera, notebook, gaming devices and more. It combines all the other devices into one, which allows us to manage our time effectively.
32% of smartphone users made a $100 purchase 38% of tablet users made a $100+ purchase” (David, 2012)