Produced from limestone over perhaps millions of years, the quarries in Italy's Apuane mountain range yield a rich, white marble that is world-famous for purity. Once prized by Michelangelo, who sculpted many masterpieces from Carrara marble, Italians still savor the look of marble in their homes. But in Italy, the scars and stains so easily imparted on Carrara marble stand as marks of character, almost like a picture history. In your home, you can enjoy the beauty and elegance without the marks with careful care. A poultice -- purchased or homemade -- can take out most stains.
Blot up spills immediately using a soft, clean cloth. Avoid rubbing the cloth around as this actually pushes the substance into the marble as well as spreading it in a wider area. Dab, instead, changing cloths as necessary until all of it is gone.
Investigate the source of the soil and stain to help you determine the most effective poultice for stain removal. Look at the color, location and the formation of the stain for clues. A stain that looks like a brown splotch, found in the kitchen near the coffee pot, is likely a coffee stain, for instance, while a reddish colored stain near a plant container or metal object might be rust.
Mix a small amount of water -- distilled, if possible, to avoid adding chemicals or minerals -- with a few drops of gentle, pH balanced dish soap. Use a soft to medium-bristled brush to work at the area, taking care not to spread the mess. Sop up the solution with a cloth and dip your brush back in the water, reapplying and repeating. This treatment may remove some light stains if they have not yet had the chance to set.
Switch to a solution of 1 part water to 1 part ammonia or 1 part water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide....
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...facturer's instructions completely. Both methods are harsh on Carrara marble and should remain on the surface as little time as possible. Some iron actually comes from inside the marble and treatment may only lighten the stain.
The most common stains occur in the organic, oil, ink or rust categories. For other stain categories, many of these poultices still work, however. Consult stain removal charts for unusual stains and removal ingredients.
Some stains are permanent. Poultices may do little more than lighten the stain in these instances.
Treat burn marks with a poultice, then sand or refinish the marble to complete the repair.
Ensure adequate ventilation during stain poultice application. Many of these chemicals emit harsh odors that may irritate the eyes, skin and lungs.
Never mix bleach with ammonia -- a toxic gas will result when combined.
After ten minutes had passed, I collected the ingredients needed to perform a gram stain. I got the primary stain, crystal violet, and flooded my smear for sixty seconds, and then rinsed the color off with water until the water ran clear. I then flooded the smear with the mordant, grams of iodine, and let that sit on the slide for sixty seconds as well. I then rinsed the grams of iodine off with water and applied alcohol to the smear to decolorize the cells; however I made sure not to over decolorize and only put enough drops on the smear till the purple ran clear. I then rinsed the slide with water and flooded the smear with safranin, the counter stain and let it sit for sixty seconds and then rinsed the color off with water.
In order to reconstruct a crime scene, analysis must classify the bloodstain spatter, and there are many way to classify blood stain patterns: bloodstain spatter by velocity and bloodstain through taxonomy. In the classification of the bloodstain spatter by velocity, there are three basic categories of stain groups...
PURPOSE: The purpose of the experiment is to determine the specific types of pigments found in water-soluble marker pens by using paper chromatography and water as a solvent.
I blanked it with 2 cm³ water, 1 cm³ amylase and 3 drops of iodine.
The methods doctors use to remove Molluscum Contagiosum bumps include: Scraping, Freezing (cryotherapy), and Laser therapy
To increase customer satisfaction and minimize profit loss, David's Bridal has instituted a rigorous pre-inspection process that allows surface contaminates to be detected prior to dyeing. Since the fabric of our shoes contains a special chemical called an optical brightener, they glow under ultraviolet light. Where glue is present, the fabric will not glow as brightly as in the surrounding areas. Therefore, newly provided Ultraviolet lamps allow the consultant to identify contaminants, prior to dye application. Unfortunately, this ultraviolet device is unable to detect surface oils and dirt. If shoes are tried on without foot stockings and there is a transfer of oils and perspiration to a dyeable portion of the shoe, those areas may dye a different color. Additionally, if a consultant has hand lotion or grease on her hands and attempts to dye, the dye may not cover the shoes evenly. For best results, consultants must have clean, oil-free hands when handling dyeable shoes. (David's Shoe Dye manual pg. 2)
When the hydrochloric acid was poured into marble chips, gas bubbles were seen – signifying the carbon dioxide (gas) that was being produced due to the chemical reaction.
of distilled water. For the 1M solution I added 50 cm3 of HCl and 50
...many steps involved in treating it successfully. Long-sleeved clothing should be worn. Nitrile or super nitrile gloves should be worn and safety glasses, googles or a face shield should be worn. Barrier cream should be applied on hands prior to use. One other person should be present in the laboratory. When not in use, keep containers closed and in an upright position. Also when not in use, containers with hydrogen peroxide should be kept away from sources of heat including sunlight and Bunsen burners. Keep combustible materials away from hydrogen peroxide. Prevent build-up of mists or vapours in the atmosphere. Ensure a supply of water is readily available. Maintain a high level of personal hygiene when using this product, by always washing hands before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. It is advisable to apply a moisturiser after washing hands.
the type of stains that can be simply remove. But the kind of stains that take years of steam
How permanent is a permanent marker? People are always getting dirty by accident or on purpose. Permanent Marker stains are difficult to remove if you don’t know which solvents to use. Many people use different household items to remove the stains. My hypothesis was if I were to dab the area where the permanent marker is with rubbing alcohol, then the rubbing alcohol will remove the ink better than the other solvents. This experiment was supposed to prove if vinegar, rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, or bleach would have removed the stain better off the pieces of fabric. I used two types of permanent marker: Type A and Type B. I used two types of markers to see if different brands would have affected the removal of the ink. Different color dyes also make a difference. So, I used a black permanent marker. Knowing which solvents can remove the ink can lead to the making of permanent marker removals, but most importantly, it can to remove the stain off your favorite shirt.
Boucherit et al. (2013) used Cucurbita pepo (courgette) peroxidase to decolorize Direct Yellow (DY106) and azo dyes. They also noticed the effect of temperature, pH, concentration of H2O2 and enzyme on degradation. The decolourization of DY106 was verified by UV-Vis analysis.
• First using a spoon, take 5 scoops of dirt and place them in a small cup.
Shake them vigorously to remove any loose dirt, food particles or debris. After this step, you can use your favorite cleaning solution to rinse and wash the floor mats. A high-pressure hose can be used to spray off any stubborn spots on the floor mats. While you can use most cleaning solutions, try to find one that is mild and
I then work my way down to the tub and scrub the gunk out of it.