How to Improve in Shakespeare's The Tempest

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How to Improve Shakespeare’s Tempest

Mr. William Shakespeare, I am going to get right down to business. I am writing to you regarding

our recent collaboration on The Tempest. In my opinion I think we need to make

a couple of changes. The first is in regards to Caliban and the second has to

do with Prospero.

As I was reading the section of the play where Caliban takes Stephano as

his master I began to think about how he should be wiser by now. As is Caliban

begs a drunken Stephano to be his master. In my opinion Caliban should show

development by not drinking and possibly taking advantage of the drunk Stephano

and Trinculo. It should develop in this fashion:

Caliban: I believe that I can assist you in your stay on the


Stephano: What mean you beast?

Caliban: I prithee, let me bring thee where crabs grow,

And I with my long nails will dig thee pignuts,

Show thee a jay's nest, and instruct thee how

To snare the nimble marmoset. I'll bring thee

To clustering filberts, and I'll teach thee to get

Young scamels from the rock. Does't though attend me?

Stephano: I do. For all this service what want'st you in return.

Caliban: I ask but one simple service. The death of my tyrant


Stephano: You ask me to murder for you?

Caliban: I ask only that you remove your only opponent in making

me your vassal.

Stephano: Well bargain'd for a monster such as thee. I shall

consider it.

If the scene is run in this way Caliban is developed as more human and less

monster. Also it adds more urgency to the possible danger Stephano and Trinculo

bring, but the comic aspect remains because the two are drunk.

My second suggestion addresses the issues of Prospero and tempests. At

the end of the play there is the opportunity for great suspense. The

interaction between Prospero and his brother and conspirator could be much more

intense. You could easily create an internal conflict for Prospero where he

debates whether or not to take action against Antonio. Of course he cannot have

given up his powers at this point. Instead of just letting Antonio alone

Prospero could use his magic to give him pains, make him small or one of many

other whimsical tricks to teach Antonio a lesson; I think that causing Antonio

to sleep and in turn not taking him home would be the most fitting punishment.

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