How World War Two Affected People's Lives

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How World War Two Affected People's Lives Everyone was affected in the World War II and many people were for the rest of their lives. All men, women and children had to change their way of life to some extent. Life became very hard. One of the reasons why people’s lives were affected was because of the raids. Raids seriously affected general life of the public every time you heard the siren go off you had to stop what you were doing and go in your shelter or the closest tube station to you, this mainly happened at night times so getting out of bed when the weather is not very nice would not be the nicest thing in the world. Everyone was also was handed gas masks encase of any gas bombs as you can imagine this would have been very annoying speaking to your neighbour wearing one of these and it would have been very hard to understand them because this makes a funny noise every time you spoke, so when the two ladies are speaking over the fence (in source1 booklet general) it would have been impossible to understand each other. This picture was created to boost people’s confidence saying life carried on the same as any other normal day. The impact of the blitz should not have been underestimated. In the blitz, Britain suffered more civilian than military casualties. (Quote taking from an historian book), in each week of September 1940, 40, 000 to 50,000 people lost their homes. In November, 4500 people were killed and thousands more were injured. In London alone 12,500 people died in December in Liverpool the biggest raid on the 3rd May 1941 included 500 bomb attacks. Fires burnt out of control because the water main was hit, the city lost some of its finest buildings. A fire fighter the SS Malakand was carrying 1000 tons of explosives received a direct hit and the noise was heard from over 30 km away, the docks around the ship were devastated as were tightly packed terraced homes of people who lived

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