Writing a college essay can be a difficult process for many students. It takes time, thought, strategy, writing ability, and comprehension. After reading the peer review paper, it appears that it takes all of those things, as well as compassion, to read a student’s paper. In reading the peer review paper, the author of this paper wondered if English was the student’s second language. Students whose primary language is not English will often transfer their writing abilities and strategies to their second language (Kroll, 1990). This paper will assess the student’s hypothesis, the flow of the paper, and the organization of the essay. The content of the essay will be explored, and suggestions will be offered for improvement.
The student’s hypothesis theorizes, as the nation becomes more evolved, health care providers need to know how to address people from different faith backgrounds. The student compares three different religions to a Christian perspective. The student clarifies that it will be in regard to health care management. The thesis appears to be in line with the goal of the assignment, and the student seems ambitious with the desire to compare three religions, rather
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Due to grammatical errors, it is somewhat difficult to read. The student stresses the importance of improving customer service by gently obtaining spiritual information from patients.
Other items of note in this paper include the reference and the title page, neither of which are in APA format. The paper is single spaced, which also does not comply with APA format. On the reference page, the word reference should be centered, and the references should be properly indented. The words in the title of the first reference are capitalized, which is not in line with APA formatting. The student does have six references, which is the recommendation for this
In Downs and Wardle’s article, they argue and identify the flaws in teaching writing in college. Demonstrating the misconceptions that academic writing is universal, but rather specialized in each case. Citing studies and opinions from esteemed professionals, Downs & Wardle state their points and illuminate the problem in today’s many colleges.
In Patricia Limerick’s article “Dancing with Professors”, she argues the problems that college students must face in the present regarding writing. Essays are daunting to most college students, and given the typical lengths of college papers, students are not motivated to write the assigned essays. One of the major arguments in Limerick’s article is how “It is, in truth, difficult to persuade students to write well when they find so few good examples in their assigned reading.” To college students, this argument is true with most of their ...
Several people have trouble writing college level essays and believe that they are unable to improve their writing skills. In “the Inspired Writer vs. The Real Writer,” Sarah Allen argues how no one is born naturally good at writing. Sarah Allen also states how even professional writers have trouble with the task of writing. Others, such as Lennie Irvin, agree. In Irvin’s article “What is ‘Academic’ Writing?” states how there are misconceptions about writing. Furthermore, Mike Bunn’s article “How to Read Like a Writer” shows ways on how one can improve their writing skills. Allen, Bunn, and Irvin are correct to say how no one is born naturally good writers. Now that we know this, we should find ways to help improve our writing skills, and
Students, who come from different cultures and backgrounds, are not prepared (especially on their own) to give up everything that they have spent the past eight-teen years believing in, in order to write the perfect college essay.
For my Final Reflection Essay I attempted to focus on the most obvious adjustments I made from writing high school papers to producing college level essays. This approach compelled me to examine a few of the papers I submitted in high school and look back on the steps I took to write them. By reviewing my previous work I realized that during Dr. Kennedys English 111 class I have effectively learned how to apply an outline, utilize research, and incorporate that research into my final paper. English 111 has helped me to understand the importance of the multiple steps of writing a great college level essay by forcing me to complete each step individually. My overall performance in this class has been above average and I have really demonstrated dedication to improvement.
Dual Enrollment English was the first real college-level class I ever had. I actually have taken other college-level classes before it, but Dual Enrollment English was the only course that gave me an accurate representation of how college will really be like and what it will expect of me. My journey through Dual Enrollment English began with a sense of fear and self-defeat and ended with a sense of satisfaction and confidence with many highs and lows along the way. This portfolio catalogs the evolution of my writing during my two semesters in Dual Enrollment English including seven different types of papers as well as each of their respective drafts and tutor feedback.
Academic writing is a very discouraging topic that most young writers do not even want to begin to think about or imagine doing. Throughout college everyone will be asked to write multiple academic essays regardless of their major. We have read two sources in class that have helped clear up some common myths and also helped make academic writing not seem so foreign. The two sources we read were “What is Academic Writing?” and the first chapter of the book “From Inquiry to Academic Writing”. Many young students seeking a college degree are fearful about the amount of work needed to be done in order to survive their college courses. Academic writing is a challenging topic that many young people struggle to get a grasp on. Once the skill of
Studies indicates that people more than 60 years of age are tend to perceive their own health and more positive attitude towards instructions and follow instruction than young adult group (Cockerham, Sharp, & Wilcox, 1983). Very old and young children need assistance in providing health related information. Body, mind and spirit are connected, health of one affected another .Research shows that one’s beliefs, comfort, strength gained from their religion has significant role in their healing process and wellbeing .Improving spirituality assist in feeling better as well help to cope with the situation (American Family Physician [AAFP], 2001). For example traditional Navajos start their day with a prayer, ask for blessings and to keep harmony with earth and sky, most of Asian Christians start their food with a word of payer .acknowledge and understand these beliefs assist health care provider to advocates and allow patients to follow those practices. However, providers’ lack of knowledge about patient beliefs and lived experiences as well as unintentional or intentional performing of favoritism during patient encounters could lead to mismatching between patient and
In healthcare organizations, medical staff must conform to their hospital and their country’s code of conduct. Not only do they have to meet set standards, they must also take their patient into consideration. When making a decision upon a patient, medical staff must recognize religious backgrounds and spiritual beliefs. By understanding a patients’ beliefs and their belief system, a medical worker can give the patient their deserved medical assistance without overstepping boundaries or coming off as offensive. The practices and beliefs of four religions will be articulated throughout this essay to fully understand how religion can either help or hinder the healing process.
In the passages given, two authors strive to be knowledgeable and share information about their religions that they have studied. Author A provides a brief paragraph about Hinduism and the core ritual. Author B also provides a brief paragraph about Christianity and the superiority it has over other religions. Author A wrote from a religious studies point of view while Author B wrote from a theologian point of view; both points of view contain
This class has been significantly more difficult than any other English class I have taken all throughout high school. This semester, I have been introduced to different styles of writing that I have never been exposed to before. This class has been stressful, but also fun. With using all of the resources I have been given throughout the semester, I have been able to do my best to further my writing abilities and hopefully only continue to grow them as I finish my later years in college. Throughout this essay, I will discuss my failures, my successes, my overall performance in the class, and my skill development skills.
Judaism and Healthcare Within the healthcare profession there are numerous patients with different religious backgrounds. In order to provide sufficient care they must respect each person’s cultural norms and beliefs. Tending to a patient’s religious beliefs can help with the progression of treatment or could explain why certain religious patients refuse care. Focusing on the religious practice of Judaism will hopefully enlighten the healthcare profession of a direct correlation between spiritual and medical care. Judaism
Although a growing body of literature supports the benefits of a holistic approach to health and the inclusion of spirituality in patient care. The elimination of health disparities among this nations racial and ethnic groups is an exigent goal that the health care community cannot accomplish in isolation. Since many of the determinants of wellbeing span the boundaries of health care and medicine eliminating health disparities call for new and non-traditional partnerships across diverse sectors of the community (Goode and Harrison, 2000). One may ask what faith-based health care is. A faith- based health care is any group/organizations created by or for a religious or spiritual group including, but not limited to, individual places of groups
It was great to be back after a restful and much needed break. I thoroughly enjoyed the peer review task, and was looking forward to the team debate. At first I did not know how the debate would work, or what it comprised off, mostly due to it being an online debate. I read the instructions posted by the lecturer, and I was surprised to learn that it needed to be presented as a report with a presentation. I was quite familiar with this, since I did the exact same task for a module in my degree, which was also a group task.
Religious commitment in healthcare Faith for some, goes hand in hand with caring and healing. Faith can be the only thing that carries a person through trying times. It is only until recently that society has integrated the mind, body, and soul in with medicine. This involves prayer, spirituality and wide variety of theological and cultural foundations.