Religion Is Not Better Than B

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A is Not Always Better Than B Analyzing and describing a religion is much easier than defining the term religion. However, there are two different ways of viewing religion. The first way to address and view religion is through the academic study of religion and the second is through theology. In the passages given, two authors strive to be knowledgeable and share information about their religions that they have studied. Author A provides a brief paragraph about Hinduism and the core ritual. Author B also provides a brief paragraph about Christianity and the superiority it has over other religions. Author A wrote from a religious studies point of view while Author B wrote from a theologian point of view; both points of view contain …show more content…

There was a clear presence that the author practiced Christianity and the little information provided was presented in a subjective and biased manner. In the first sentence Author B describes Christianity as the only religion that can judge other religions and their imperfections. This demonstrates that Author B is an exclusivist and a theologian to Christianity because he believes that Christianity is superior to other religions. Author B further demonstrates his belief of superiority when he created a hierarchy of religion with Christianity at the top. Author B solidifies his commitment to Christianity and biases when Author B used the word, “us” to describe the abilities of Christianity and the impact it has on those who believe in it. Author B’s notion of self inclusion in the religion and personal bias further categorizes him as a theologian. Little to no information was provided about Christianity, its rituals, prayers or history. Author B mostly spoke about other religions and their ability to, “fall short” in several ways. Those ways, however, did not pertain to other religions’ rituals, prayers or history; but rather in, “elevation, magnitude and beauty,” all of which are arbitrary adjectives to judge a religion. Nonetheless, the notion to judge other religions and impose personal bias ultimately categorized Author B as a person who wrote from a theological point of …show more content…

There is a difference in the presence or lack of bias and information that ultimately categorizes these authors. Author A can be classified as a person of religious studies because of his ability to remain unbiased. He simply described Puja and its details, but did not attempt to persuade others to perform Puja or attempt to describe Hinduism’s superiority over other religious traditions. In contrast, Author B can be classified as a person of theology because of his biases in the excerpt. There was a sense of unity and bias because he considered himself part of the community of people who follow the Christian tradition. Additionally, Author B was not as informative as Author A. Instead of describing a ritual or history of Christianity, he rather discusses the superiority that Christianity has over other religions. Comparatively, Author A was very objective in his excerpt. It was filled with content about and focused on the ritual,

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