How To Write A Dream Analysis Essay

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Analysis of Dreams Dreaming is something that is inherent in all of us. Everyone dreams, and there are a variety of theories on why we dream. For the past two weeks [from January 8th to January 20th], I have attempted to record my dreams, and determine their meaning. From the four dreams recorded, the main purpose of them seems to be filing away memories and thoughts, using what I had done that week or day. The main trend in my dreams was that a person I knew, a setting I had been in, or an idea I had thought of would be taken, and molded into something else. For instance, in Dream #3 [on the night of January 13, 2018], I fought with my mother at a Baskin-Robbins location. One of my past teachers, Mr. Ron Curry, was the clerk in the Baskin-Robbins. I then proceed to consume a multifarious amount of flavors in one big bowl. Two out the three parts can be explained; On the morning of the 13th, I had argued with my mother. …show more content…

The forest is a trend I have seen in my dreams past: at least once a month I have a dream where I am in some kind of area with heavy foliage. Right before I fell asleep on the 10th, I was playing Pokémon, and in the game, I was in a casino playing slots (Pokémon is also a Japanese video game, hence the casino being Asian themed). The rest I cannot explain. When those peers of mine approached me, I probably woke up due to my social ineptness combined with the eldritch setting encroaching upon me. My other two dreams were ephemeral (around 5 seconds), but still reinforce my belief that my dreams file away memories. Dream #1 [on the night of January 9, 2018] was simply me walking around Benicia High School, something I do every weekday. Dream #4 [on the night of January 15, 2018], was simply me reading reviews for the Oregon Trail 2, something I did right before I went to sleep. Following the trend of everything seen so far, these two dreams were things I had done

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