How To Buy Products Manufactured By Children Essay

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When you were a child, did you do chores for your parents? Well, most kids do. Recently, there had been a debate about child labor. Nike, for example, had admitted to selling products that are manufactured by children. Some people are exceedingly against this idea while others are for it. The real question is should people buy items made by kids? After reading several pieces of text is evident that people should buy products manufactured by children. To begin, some children need to work to provide for their families. If a family is suffering from poverty, a child may need to work to help buy food or clothing for their relatives. It is stated in “This Company Is Employing Children?” By Nadira Faulmuller, “The main case for children doing work is poverty- ‘Their survival and that of their families depend on it.” Without the income of children, some families could be in extreme danger. If people are are refusing to buy products made by children, some families could be in extreme danger. Not buying the products those children make could result in the loss of jobs …show more content…

Contrary to popular belief, some parents want their children to endure harsh work conditions and the like in order to accumulate hard working skills. In many cultures, even in the U.S., kids work growing up. For example, “Different from other children in the U.S., the Amish are allowed to leave school and start working at the age of 14,” as stated in “This Company Is Employing Children?. That is not out of financial need, but because those parents believe their children should learn how to work hard and provide for themselves. When people boycott products manufactured by children, they are interfering with the parenting of some children. No one has any right to decide how a child should be taught certain things except for the child’s parents. That makes it clear that people should buy products made by

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