Essay ‘Social Media as Improvement of Business Marketing’
Robin de Veer / 2535783 / IMM / 23th of May, 2014
Nowadays, more and more businesses are active on the social web. This new step in marketing cannot be ignored and brings along new opportunities. Dong-Hun (2010) states that social media is an “open media for interactive communication led by normal people.” The success is that anybody is able to produce content and share it on social networks. Web 2.0 is generated and controlled by its users, and is based on openness, sharing and participation (Dong-Hun, 2010). The ‘digital word-of-mouth’ conversations are attractive for business purposes mainly because of its huge reachability and as cost-effective promotion tool. Both small companies and giant businesses profit from such advantages and therefore rely heavily on social media when it comes to marketing. But why is social media so attractive as marketing communications medium in the business industry? This essay discusses three fields in which social media can be an improvement for the business environment.
First of all, using social media gives companies the opportunity to reach its consumers better, but vice versa consumers also reach companies better. The kind of marketing used by businesses is called ‘viral marketing’ (Miller and Lammas, 2010). Viral marketing is a marketing approach trying to promote a product or a brand by means of existing social networks in such a way that it can be compared with a viral epidemic. This epidemic can spread very fast and to a more diverse range of people. Target groups such as teenagers can for example be reached more easily through viral marketing than through traditional types of media. Social media has provided consumers with thei...
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...ers to get a better insight into their own company.
To conclude, social media really is an improvement in the business environment, because both communication between buyer and seller, and between consumers can be intensified and executed more effectively, and because analyses on social media is a useful tool to continuously improve the company on several fields. Both small and large businesses profit from social media, because they can easily reach a huge amount of people (almost) without any costs. Social media is not seen as an alternative or simple marketing channel anymore, but belongs to the mass media now. Besides that, it is ‘the way’ to benefit from relationship building with consumers. With social media as new, successful instrument in the business environment, we are going from local Word of Mouth to a new era of global World of Mouth (Dong-Hun, 2010).
“Given that teens now spend so many hours surfing the Web, and far fewer hours watching television than previous generations, it’s not surprising that intense peer-to-peer promoting has emerged and flowered online” (Quart 39). These words of Alissa Quart from Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers perfectly describe the evolution of marketing, which is now known as social media marketing. Social media is an electronic communication system in which people create online communities to share information, personal messages, and other content. Even though social media enables the spread of unreliable and false information., social media is beneficial to today 's society, because sites such as, Twitter,
Social media in marketing is beneficial to any company in that it helps businesses organize control, and streamline communication and information, and help companies to better promote their brand (Paus, 2013, p.77, 78, para. 13). Social networking is not a bad way to promote a business or an organization but there has to be strategy implemented to monitor the images and information that can potentially foster negative perceptions of the
Social media is a modern way to manage the business; this is a useful to the companies to manage the existence in the market approach to the brand and consumers. Also, using a social media they are able to get the feedbacks from customers and able to improve their business. Additionally, social media is used everywhere by everyone and people go on it a lot of times in a day. Therefore it is important for the business to fit to the changes occurring in the market frequently in order to keep the business working properly and not losing customers.
The rapid growth of the social media networking makes life different. According to the real time internet live statistics, the internet users in the world are now more than 3,338,000,000 and keep rising every day (Internet Live Stats, 2016). Social media like Facebook, Sina microblog (Weibo), Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are defined as the online communities which allow users to create and share their own content (Bolton et al., 2013). The faster and easier information exchange brings a new trend of marketing communication established and makes traditional peer to peer word of mouth spreading go online. Social media provides a platform for consumer to engage in electronic word-of-mouth. It can be either positive or negative statement on the product brand or service which made by potential, actual or experience users on the internet (Themba & Mulala, 2013). Facebook is one of the fast developing social media. It brings up a new trend of social media marketing. Facebook influenced customer behavior and suggested to be one of the most critical metrics of social media usage (Schultz, Schwepker & Good, 2012).
2.1 Social Media Social media plays a potential role on customer’s mind to think whether he would purchase product of a company or not. Customers are provided very new opportunities by the social media to interact on the internet. Now a day, to make smooth the sharing information progress a large number of social media have been developed.
Businesses can benefit from social media through cost reduction by reducing staff working hours and increasing revenue. Social media marketing is the fastest means of getting words out about a business or product, that is why eventually all businesses are buying the initiative. Most marketers who are already established in the new social media initiative are beginning to implement their own tactics, which has brought social media to a greater height than it was before. These popular websites could be a great approach for companies and customers to improve their communications by applying them to computers and mobile devices. Social media marketing is a term not really known by many people.
Sometimes the best way to see if your business needs help with social media is to get your hands dirt with a social media evaluation. Although you might not be a social media expert...yet, you can still use these questions to see how to improve your presence.
The writer finds social media is important in her current organization, Modern Business Concepts, Incorporated (MBC). With small business organizations such as hers, social media is important in spreading information on who the company is and what they do. Also as a business-to-business sales and marketing company, spreading the word is important in gaining customers and potential employees. Ucok (2014) uses research and experiments to prove how social media is essential to marketing. These platforms were essential in Ucok’s research, resulting in higher response with marketing campaigns proving “the importance of social media in marketing strategy and communication” (Ucock, 2014, p. 95).
Social media marketing is a new trend of marketing where different Businesses have taken to social media sites to market and promote old and existing products and brands or create more awareness of their new products. Facebook and Twitter are the two most well known sites where firms market and promote themselves. Over one billion users worldwide use both sites everyday; from averages Joe’s to famous celebrities. Such is the power of each social media site that one post can make or break you.
Today 's generation is all about social media. It is the new way to have instant connection to thousands all over the world. Today 's company are now doing less traditional television, radio, and print advertisement and more promotion via Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram. Companies are invested in getting famous people to post pictures or tweet about their products, knowing that, one person can connect with millions with just one post. Over half of the world has access to social media, making them great consumers. Social media benefit marketing by giving the companies the opportunity to learn their audience/consumers, having access to instant feedback and bring awareness to here product.
The first advantage of using social media in business is increasing brand awareness. Social media can help business to build their brand awareness by increasing interactions with a business brand. Brand awareness means the total percent of a target people who know the company exists and what the company offers of products or services. When the brand awareness is increased, the possibility of buying is increased. Thus, efforts should be made to make the brand a part of the consciousness of customers. For example, Coca- Cola is one of the best companies that enjoy unusual...
Since social media users grow larger and larger, many companies take the opportunities of using social media marketing to reach more customers. Companies use social media marketing in order to achieve marketing communication and branding goals. Social media allows companies to see what prospects are saying about their brands and competitors. It also allows companies to build deeper relationships with existing customers that drives them to purchase again and again. Not only it can help them generate new leads, but it allows them to build deeper relationships with existing clients that drives them to purchase again and again. It has become common for businesses to branch out and experiment with multiple networks with the aim of reaching the maximum amount of costumers.
Among the billions of social media users, there is a percentage dedicated to businesses who use social media as part of their marketing strategy. The sheer number of people who use services like Facebook and Instagram on a daily
We can now connect with each other instantly over the internet. It is quicker and easier to communicate and share with each other now than it has ever been. Massive amounts of people access the internet every day, and a good number of them use social media. This means that the ability to use social media and use it well is crucial for modern businesses. Whether for public relations or advertising, social media is now one of the best ways to reach consumers.
Social media avenues are a new, upcoming, and popular way to advertise for businesses and for people to connect to each other. Alexis Ohanian once said that "Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans. They 're only a click away from a picture of a funny cat, so you have to make your thing more compelling than that cat. And that can be a high bar." (Ohanian) Powerful usage of social media can have a big impact.