How Macbeth's Character Turns from Fair to Foul

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How Macbeth's Character Turns from Fair to Foul Shakespeare’s text ‘Macbeth’ is the tale of a man ruined by his own ambition. The story of Macbeth is an example of power at the expense of everything else, he begins the play as a strong character that is greatly admired, however as the play progresses Macbeth's personality and actions become more and more devious which eventually leads to his destruction. His character changed from a ‘brave’ and ‘noble’ person to a ‘dead butcher’. Following the murder of Duncan, Macbeth realises that the murder has put him into the control of supernatural forces by the witches’ this to the witches’ is seen as a game. The words ‘fair’ and ‘foul’ were first said by the witches at the end of act 1 scene 1 these words have a great effect on his character, one will discuss this further in the essay. William Shakespeare wrote ‘Macbeth’ between the years of 1603 and 1606. This coincides with the ascension of James the Sixth of Scotland to the English throne whereby he became known as James I. James I believed he to have special powers because he was king and he also had an interest in witchcraft, apparitions and ghosts. The use of witchcraft in ‘Macbeth’ relates to the topicality of these issues, as Shakespeare’s audience would have been aware of these. During Shakespeare’s life there had been much confusion in Britain regarding the throne and religion. The country, therefore, knew only too well the dreadful implications of revolution and chaos. This is reflected in ‘Macbeth.’ ‘Macbeth’ opens with an overwhelming sense of unease. The three witches symbolise supernatural happenings, which adds to the d... ... middle of paper ... ...o. One believes his down fall was his fault as without him nothing would have been possible. Fate and destiny are possible factors but it was his own judgement and decision making which led things to result how they did. He was physically strong but mentally he had many flaws. People manipulated these flaws but if they did not exist then none of it would have been conceivable. If fate or the witches took responsibility then they still chose Macbeth to do these wicked deeds because of who he was and who they could easily make him. If fate controlled Macbeth then fate also made Macbeth’s disposition. Without Macbeth’s ambition none of the situations, which arose, could have occurred the same. Therefore I believe Macbeth was the source of his own downfall, which leads his character to being a foul ‘dead butcher’.

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