The Struggle Between Good and Evil in William Shakespeare's Macbeth
The play Macbeth was written during a period in history where in
society many people believed that evil spirits were at work amongst
them. Public hangings and drowning of suspected witches were frequent
and the play Macbeth reflects this time in history.
It is immediately made clear from the first scene that the play will
involve dark and evil spirits. The disturbing weather conditions that
accompany the witches show the unsettled nature of the play. The line
'Fair is foul and foul is fair' highlights the constant war between
good (fair) and evil (foul). This scene acts as an introductory scene
to the struggle between good and evil. It is also in this scene that
the main character, Macbeth, is introduced.
There are several main characters in Macbeth who either represents
good or evil or the struggle between the two. King Duncan is the good
king; 'hath been/So clear in his great office', and kept Scotland in
good order. Duncan is also innocent 'like a naked new born babe', with
no evil deeds (clothing on the babe) dragging him into evil. There is
also Macduff who is a good and faithful man to his country. His wife
describes him as a traitor for abandoning his family, but she is
unaware that he went to save Scotland from the perils of Macbeth in
Act 5. Macduff stands up to evil and eventually destroys it when he
kills Macbeth. The third main character that represents good in the
play is Banquo. When Shakespeare wrote the play King James I was on
the throne. It was believed according to legend that James was a
direct decent to Banquo and in order to impress the King,...
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...s that there is no difference between the day and the
night. However the play takes a U-turn and Macduff causes the play to
replace evil with good. The play ends with good triumphant over evil;
killing Macbeth and regaining control over Scotland.
The struggle between good and evil is such that it moulds the plot and
control the character's actions. The good characters fall under the
power of the of the evil characters at the start of the play but
regain their composure and regain their strength at the end taking
control of the play and causing good to become the overall most
righteous. Evil is strong but is unable to last the length of the play
or stand up to good when faced with a battle between the two. The play
shows that to be good is the right thing to do as evil only leads to
confusion and distress of the mind.
An excellent main point that can be made through good and evil arrives from Ultima's words, as evil will always tend to fail to defeat good. Throughout the book good and evil face each other multiple times, but a
On the surface, O'Connor's A Good Man is Hard to Find appears innocent enough in its content. But as the reader becomes more and more involved in the symbolic underpinnings that embody the story, it is quite clear that there is a distinctive flavor of evil versus Christianity. In fact, it has been argued that the extent to which O'Connor utilizes the central theme of Christianity is as a subtle, symbolic plot to convert her readers, whom she had envisioned as nonbelievers. By demonstrating to her audience all the good that comes from faith, along with all the bad that merely begets more evil, it was her intention to enlighten her readership down the right path.
Society teaches both good and evil without realizing that they are corrupting In the novel Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card uses Peter, Ender, and several symbols to strengthen his theme of the duality of human nature to show that humans are not pure good or pure evil – they are a combination of both.
Good vs. Evil in Macbeth The good characters in Macbeth are less interesting than the evil ones. Everybody has an evil seed planted in them. Only the really evil person acts on them and commits something morally wrong. Like a Macbeth. When Macbeth first received the prophecies, he actually considered them.
Good, is portrayed by God, and evil seems to be what fate has in store for the
four of the five words are all powerful and give a good idea of what
Evil. It is a word that has been used for hundreds of years, yet the
Biography: William Shakespeare's Macbeth tells the story of a man who would be king. And he is the king, because he murders. Him and his wife murder to get their way. This works greatly for them, until they are questioned, and their guilt sets in. The task for this paper was to compare the Macbeth's to two people who did great evil to accomplish good. IE: Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden, whom were used in this essay.
The character Macbeth in the story of Shakespeare’s Macbeth faces decisions that affect his morals. He begins as an innocent soul, dedicated to serve his kingdom and its king, Duncan. As time passes and opportunities present themselves combined with the deception of the evil witches, Macbeth begins his descent into madness. Macbeth’s innocence and loyalty are completely corrupted due to his over confidence, guilty conscience, and the inevitability of human nature. Macbeth looses sight of what is morally right to do in life because his logical choices are changed by these factors.
more than evil is capable of what seems to be good. More often in the story, God
and her call upon the evil spirits suggests she is not at all what she
In this essay I will look at the ways that Shakespeare has contrasted evil with good in his play Macbeth. The play revolves around the bad and wicked qualities in human nature, but Shakespeare also contrasts this evil with the power of good. This contrast between good and evil is a recurring theme throughout Macbeth.
"Since good and evil seem to be inextricably bound, it is not surprising that many of the characters in Such a Long Journey end up doing evil in trying to do good, or conversely, that some of the good deeds have their origins in evil actions or events."
Evil is a destructive force; it causes harm to those who embrace it and their victims. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the protagonist Macbeth and Lady Macbeth fall into the hands of evil. Evil is what drives people to commit unnatural actions of destruction. Macbeth succumbs to evil through his fatal flaw, greed, and it causes him to disrupt the chain of being. When Macbeth willingly murders, massacres, lies and deceives, he loses his heath and sanity. Evil corrupts everything it touches, and Macbeth decides to be evil's servant. But, when Macbeth embraces evil, it corrupts him, and it ultimately destroys him as well. Lady Macbeth is a victim of Macbeth's fatal flaw, since she is drawn in, and becomes greedy for power herself. She pushes Macbeth into destruction when she adds the small touch that plunges Macbeth into a chain of murder, destruction, and lying followed by the loss of their sanity and health. After Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are well into the depths of corruption and greed, it is clearly seen that their guilt will haunt them for the rest of their lives. The harm they have caused others will be returned to them as revenge and they have lost their sanity in order to gain power. The fate of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth clearly illustrates that to embrace evil is to negate our own need for order and well being.
In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the focus that is placed on the character of Lady Macbeth helps to convey the play's theme of the strife created by the struggle for power and control that is present throughout the entire work. Shakespeare presents her character in great detail and shows her to be a dominating, authoritative woman who thrives on the power she holds over her husband. He then shows the principle character, Macbeth, rise up and join his wife in a struggle for power of his own. It is the actions that Macbeth takes in attempt to achieve ultimate authority that lead to his downfall, and it is Lady Macbeth's loss of control over her husband as he gains this independence which causes her own weakening and eventually leads to her demise as well.