How Is Irony Used In Animal Farm

959 Words2 Pages

Animal Farm Essay:
Intro- 74 Words
Animal farm is a satirical book created to show hypocrisy and how many persuasive words are used to gain power and control by the three pigs, Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer.
George Orwell, the author of Animal farm has created the book using many satirical techniques to persuade the reader what is going on between the pigs and the humans who are the animal’s worst enemy. The animals in animal farm also represent many types of people also known as stereotypical characteristics.

First Point- Satire- 120 Words
Throughout the book on the trauma between the animals and humans George Orwell has used many examples of hypocrisy, abuse of power and power of words to explore ideas of Satire. Some of these include when the pigs take all of the apples and milk and keep them for themselves instead of sharing and when the pigs pretend to believe in commandment 7, “all animals are …show more content…

Irony is created and used in the novel of Animal farm to show the reader the transformation of the failure of the pigs turning into virtual humans. The purpose of using irony in Animal Farm is to show the failure of equality between the humans and pigs and to represent a serious side of the book.
An example of irony is the seven commandments. The pigs use these seven commandments to rebel against the humans and all animals must follow all commandments. One significant commandment the pigs quote in the novel is ‘all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’. This is persuading the reader that the pigs think they are more equal then the other animals because they want all of the power against the humans.

Fifth Point- Parody- how the animals are a parody of greedy, selfish and manipulative rulers who do not care of other peoples’ well-being- 76

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