How Is Democracy Corrupt

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With rapidly changing values in emerging cultures, and an ever increasing population growth one must question how can democracy cope when some governments are undermining their own policies and human rights are being devalued and overlooked.
This essay will critically discuss how democracy can become corrupt, within some governments and what causes it. By using historical and current evidence to point out why democracy becomes undesirable. Also pointing out classical characteristics of democracy, executive powers, leading to corruption in the early forms of government.

1. Direct democracy, a government which the laws are prepared by a general vote of the public.

2. Representative democracy is a government where all the public …show more content…

Who appointed Mr. Putin as mayor of St. Petersburg 1994 and later is selected president in 1999 and a slow demise of freedom and the suffocation of democracy (Diamond, 2008, p. 64). Shevtosova, Eckert (2000) describe the end of the Soviet Russia came by force, led by the Yeltsin government. While setting up the structure of government, Yeltsin used French and American models and manipulated the chance to create a structure of his own. To remove the Russian president is virtually impossible unless a vote can charge him with treason or other unacceptable crimes. Krastev and Holmes (2012) point out that Vladimir Putin is elected for the third time in 2012 and then was an outpour of protesters in Moscow to dispute the rigged elections. What sort of democracy is being maintained by Mr. Putin has not been publicized at this premature age of Russia 's democracy. Shevtosova, Eckert (2000) state that Russia has a president with the powers reminiscent or the French monarch (in Tocqueville’s era). Therefore, the executive branch of government has no “clear division of power between the president, prime minister and cabinet and are dependent upon the president. “The president of Russia can shift the power how, he pleases spinning the …show more content…

Uhr states (2004) the doctrines of poor governments that permit executive power to value separation of power while destabilization the separation of institutions that transpired when decision-making governments control parliaments and control the use of legislative powers. While denying to fulfilling the privileges made by legislative institutions. The Accountability implemented by the legislature over executive consisting of the developing norms of democratic accountability connected with representative government. Yencken (2007) states that if conventions are not determined in legislation, it will allow the governments to act in their own resolve. Uhr (2004) says that it makes sense to, limit the exploitation of government powers through a constitutional government. Yencken (2007) says that governmental doubters, is a malignancy, it inspires indifference discourages achievement and offers an environment for unrestrained supremacy. Rock (2009) suggests that corruption of Indonesia and Thailand rose when democracy is introduced. However, it has recently, corruption has fallen in both countries. Rock (2009) states that the level of corruption depends on the wage the government receives that will either lower corruption or escalate it. Corruption can also develop depending on how soon a government can build trust,

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