How Has Technology Changed Between 1970 And 1970

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Alternate Assignment -Research Paper Technology has really changed in a massive amount from 1970 to 2016. The first mobile telephone call was 40 years ago on the day of April 3, 1973. In 1970 nobody had wondered or even thought that technology would come to be what it is today. There is something called “Moore’s Law” the definition of it is that it’s the doubling of internet speed every 18 months. At today’s rate, according to Ray Kurzweil, a human will experience up to 20,000 years of progress in their lifetime, rather than 100 years which was about the measurement in 1970. Kurzweil wrote this or said this in 2001 so i suspect the number is way greater now. Kurzweil also says this “Just think about how much things have changed in the past 10 years—wireless internet, smart phones, Facebook and Twitter—and then try to imagine how vastly different things will be in 2021, or even 2100.” In the year 2016 we have bluetooth and iphones …show more content…

We even now have watches that act like a phone and have most of the qualities that a phone does, or at least the iphone. In 1970 they had block phones and black, grey, and white tv’s. We now have tv’s with color but not only color, we have some that have high definition and an edge or curve.A edge or curve is a tv that kinda makes the screen pop out at you is is more clear to see or easy on the eyes, as if it were in real life but glows more and looks a little better. We are even soon to have 3D tv

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