How Does Verbally Change In Spunk

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A person’s perception of a situation, may be changed by the context of how others portray it to them. A persons feelings may be easily manipulated by the words of another if not in the right state of mind. Verbally, a person is able to bring out certain emotions that may not be of their usual nature. A persons persona, in some cases, is also able to shape the way others around them feel. For example, in the short story “spunk” written by Zora Neale Hurston, the main character, Spunk, was able to turn on the townspeople’s ability to manipulate Joe, through subtle verbal abuse. His personality is able to shape the townspeople’s better judgment on the situation. Spunks actions are able to make others act in the same manner as him. The …show more content…

Joe is the complete opposite of Spunk in which he is looked at as a cowardly man who does not stand up for himself. Even though Joe is aware his wife is having an affair with Spunk, he is too afraid to confront either Spunk or Lena. This makes him to seem weak for the villagers and somewhat of an easy target. When Joe enters, he nervously orders a drink while the townspeople smirk and wink at one another because of what they had just witnessed. They mock his presence because they know he will not retaliate. Elijah then turns to Joe and says “Say, Joe, how’s everything up yo‘ way? How’s yo’ wife?” Elijah and all the men, as well as Joe, knew that she had just passed with Spunk moments ago. The villagers are testing Joes pride, they think he is not capable of retaliating. Joe nervously reveals that he has a plan to get Lena back, and pulls a razor blade out of his pocket. Elijah then tells him, “Talkin‘ like a man, Joe. Course that’s yo’ fambly affairs, but Ah like to see grit in anybody.” He continues to stir the pot by working him up and testing his power. Correspondingly, he and the villagers know Joe doesn’t stand a chance against Spunk. Elijah was verbally able to make Joe act outside of his usual nature. When Joe goes off to find Lena and Spunk, he acts courageously rather than cowardly. This shows how if a person’s pride is tested he will act on emotions that don’t normally exist. Spunk symbolizes aggression, but the actions that take place as a result of his behavior also create aggression in others, like Joe, who gets into a fight with him and then dies over Lena. The men continue to gossip about the situation when they suddenly hear a gunshot in the distance. When Spunk comes back to explain what has happened the men know that it was Elijah’s words that sparked this avoidable

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