How Does Texting Impact The English Language

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In the academic world, texting how one talks, and talking like one texts has been a discussion based on the formal writing students submit. Teachers or educators believe that the way students text in abbreviations transfers to what they write in a formal paper. The article shares the teacher’s point of view, the student’s point of view, the author’s research, and the author’s opinion on the matter. All the evidence concludes that, in reality, text-talk does not transfer over into the students’ formal writing. Although texting language does impact the English language, it also has a positive effect on formal writing. There are two sides of the effect texting has on formal writing, the first side is how students and the writing our negatively …show more content…

The problem with having all that power at one’s fingertips is that no one has to challenge themselves. Students have started to rely on spell-checkers instead of actually learning how to spell the words. “Many high school students have become dependent on electronic spell-checkers. As a result, teachers spend a significant amount of time circling misspelled words on assignments” (Bakken, Jim). Not being able to spell without a phone hinders the student’s abilities to be successful in their life. Once texting language becomes a habitual format for students, teachers have to make the necessary corrections. When teachers see text in formal writings they have to fix the bad habit right away so it does not continue. “The teachers do not want that students’ use of text language should appear in their formal writing. Therefore, they are assigning low scores to those students who use it. They discourage it in all ways possible” (Yusaf, Afsheen). Giving low scores increases the chance of the student to not put text language in their formal writing. There are always negatives to cell phones in schools, but the positives that have come out of texting are …show more content…

Students know that there is a time and a place for slang or abbreviations to be used and in which writing form it should be used. Parents and teachers alike believe texting has a negative impact on writing, but, in contrast, it is also viewed as beneficial to students’ writing. Educators push on and on that the words the students use when they are texting have no place in their formal writing. Formal writing is very important for students’ futures because jobs will not hire people who cannot read or write

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