How Does Romeo And Juliet Show Social Expectations

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Bound by Society: Exploring the Impact of Social Expectations in Romeo and Juliet The play Romeo and Juliet argues that social expectations in general heavily impact someone. Social norms, no matter the size of the population, are always placed upon an individual. Like for instance Juliet, the play shows how women are supposed to marry men and daughters are expected to be obedient to their parents. These social expectations placed on people are like chains holding them down and not allowing them freedom. The play shows us how important it is that we try to learn to put less expectations on people. At the beginning of the play, Act 1. Sc. 2, Capulet, and Paris talk about Paris potentially marrying Juliet. “Let two more summers wither in their …show more content…

She believes that Juliet is only sad because Tybalt was killed and thinks that if Paris marries Juliet, she will be happy. Lady Capulet is expecting that Juliet will feel better about Romeo being banished and Tybalt’s death in the morning. Not even a full day and she already wants to tell Juliet that she is going to be marrying Paris. Lady Capulet and Juliet have a conversation about Romeo and in that conversation Lady Capulet states” As that the villain that lives which slaughtered him” (3.5.80-85) Lady Capulet is mad that Romeo is still alive, and she expresses it to Juliet. Juliet feels bad about her mother’s statement because this is the man she loves, and her parents want him dead. Not only that, but Juliet believes that she might not ever get to see her husband again. Capulet gets angry with Juliet because she does not want to marry Paris and he states, “To go with Paris to Saint Peter’s Church, or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither.” (3.5,155-160) Capulet and Lady Capulet are forcing Juliet into a situation she does not want to be in while she is already in despair that she cannot be with her …show more content…

Juliet goes to Nurse for reassurance because she doesn't know what to do in this situation and Nurse says, “I think it best you married with the county.” (3.5.230) Juliet attempts to get comfort from Nurse, the person that is the closest to her and she even tells Juliet to marry Paris. Juliet is alone at this point, none of her family understands her and they just expect her to be okay with marrying Paris. With Nurse’s statement to Juliet, that really made Juliet feel like she was alone because Nurse is closer to Juliet than anyone else and she is agreeing with her parents. Continuing Nurse and Juliet’s conversation Nurse states “For it excels your first, or if it did not,/Your first is dead, or ‘twere as good he were/As living here and you no use of him.”(3.5.235) Nurse gives Juliet her opinion on Paris marrying Juliet. She believes that Paris is an upgrade from Romeo and that Romeo is basically dead and even if he was still in Verona he is useless. Juliet is also expected to marry Paris by Nurse now and Nurse is like her mother figure Juliet feels alone

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