Analysis Of Lord Capulet

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Romeo and Juliet is a riveting tale of two star-crossed lovers who uncover the dangers of passion and greed, and tragically end up dying, when the stars of fate refuse to line up in their favor. While fate may be guilty in the tragic outcome of the play, Lord Capulet’s greedy outlook upon his daughter Juliet, is the relationship that is most responsible for the untimely demise of the two lovers. When overwhelmed by greed and selfishness, Lord Capulet’s decisions drive Juliet to make risky, irrational choices out of desperation to avoid marriage to Paris, which ultimately lead to her, and Romeo’s, tragic end. Although initially Lord Capulet considers and respects his daughter’s innocence and young age when planning her marriage, after the heir …show more content…

When Juliet is told of her parents plans to wed her to Count Paris, she expresses her reluctance to accept the proposal. Juliet, hoping her parents would understand and consider her desires, is shocked when Lord Capulet reacts in pure rage and says, “...Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! / I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday, / Or never after look me in the face. / Speak not. Reply not. Do not answer” (3.5.160-164). With greed blinding his eyesight, Juliet is no longer seen by Capulet as a human with a heart and soul, but is rather an object, with a price tag hung over her head. Lord Capulet’s inhuman outlook upon her banishes any hope Juliet had of her parents understanding her relationship with Romeo, and drives her to take risky decisions in order to fulfill her heart. The derogatory, and demeaning language Lord Capulet uses to express his anger over Juliet’s defiance of marriage, can be clearly attributed as the sole cause of Juliet’s desperation to escape the grasp of Lord Capulet and take the perilous decisions to wager death in order to find sanctuary in

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