Responsibility In Shakespeare's The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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With Mercutio’s last moments he cursed the houses Capulet and Montague for his death and events that happen during the course of the play. Could this very well be a fair assumption, with the toxic behavior coming from the Capulets and the passive behavior from the Montagues, would it be any wonder that the adults of the story are the true cause for all the troubles that befall Romeo, Juliet and company?
The house of the Capulets invites loyalty among the people but also hot tempers. Through the inability to understand Juliet and put aside their anger they may have been the cause for the events that transpired during the story. Lord Capulet, patriarch of the Capulets, is a man that demands respect and has quite the temper. When his character is introduced he is a reasonable father, taking Juliet’s age into consideration the first time he is approached by Paris about marriage. He allows Romeo to take part of his party after Tybalt discovers him. This seems to take a complete 180 later on when Juliet disobeys her father, after her cousin’s death, he threatens to hurt her. “I tell thee what: get thee to church o' Thursday, or never after look me in the face. Speak not. Reply not. Do not answer me. My fingers itch.” Act 3, scene 5, …show more content…

The arguing that both houses continue to let happen influenced the distrust that Romeo and Juliet have in the judgment of their parents, and in fact is why they even must sneak around in the first place. Many events could have of been prevented if not for the actions of the parents. For example, had Lord Capulet not insisted on marrying Juliet to Paris in an attempt to stall her grief, she would not have of become so desperate as to take the potion that Friar Laurence provided that, in the end, led the two children to take their lives. Had the parents taken responsibility the events of the story would never have of

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