• How Does Playing Basketball Affect Your Physical, Social And Emotional Well-Being

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How does participating in basketball affect your physical, social and emotional well-being? Participating in basketball is one way to help you lead to a healthier lifestyle. The positive combination of your physical, emotional and social well-being, can only make you an all-around better person. Physically you become stronger, emotionally you become less stressed and socially you become more outgoing and confident. Many researchers have found out that it is one of the most played sport due to not being stressful, but infact distresses you. This paper examines the effects of basketball on your well-being and it may change people’s perspective on working out because playing basketball is one of the easiest way to lose weight and live a healthy …show more content…

Almost all the limbs in our body are used and moved during the game. Dribbling, passing, and shooting the ball can be likened to lifting dumbbells. The hours of running and jumping can significantly shape up the calf and thigh area,” (Pantuhan 2011). Basketball is a very fast sport, so because of that, it increases you speed, flexibility, and agility. It increases your speed in different scenarios, for instance, when you want to score or steal the ball, you eventually become faster because you are used to the running and competition. Your flexibility increases due to the rebounding, dunking, layups, and stealing the ball. Lastly, your agility increases because of all the decisions you make on a quick move, which is a combination of your physical and mental well-being. However, basketball develops better coordination and motor skills, for instance, your hand-eye, full-body and finger degree, which is influenced by shooting and passing the ball. “Basketball provides an excellent full-body workout and can help develop useful, lean muscle. In this physically intensive contact sport, basketball players are highly reliant on effective body positioning and the ability to maintain that position when an opponent is pushing against him. Playing good defensive basketball can develop your deltoids, traps, neck, lower back and core muscles. Strong legs aid in shooting and running, while the finer movements such as dribbling and shooting are good for strengthening your arms, wrist flexors and hand muscles,” (Becic 2015). Physically basketball is one of the best physical activities you can do to” benefit your body,” says Predit (2014). As Predit said in his article, watching basketball is great, but playing basketball has so many positive benefits, for instance, it strengthens your lower and upper body, makes your bones strong, decreases heart problems and etc. There are many benefits of playing basketball, but for those who play it

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