How Does Past Experiences Shape Us

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Past Experiences can Shape Us In life, people have to endure lots of things. These things affect us all differently, in many different ways. They shape a person's life. When we go through everyday life, we don’t always become conscious of it, but everything we go through, could somehow affect the choices we make. The decision could be so small as choosing between certain types of donut, or something as big as applying for a loan, but because of the things we’ve learned through past experiences, it could stop us from doing them. People’s actions and their intentions are based on past experiences, causing them to make certain decisions. Kn kn kn kn kn kn kn kn knkn n kn kn kn n ljn ln kn kn These past experiences can induce a much larger …show more content…

For instance, When you trust someone for so long, you develop a relationship with that person that can have a huge impact on your life, either for better, or bad. One of the biggest cases I can think of when talking about using past experiences to help make choices, is a child of divorce. Obviously, this could result in more traumatic repercussions than other examples, however, an article from the Huffington Post showed that a child whose parents have gone through a divorce, are going to be not as open minded and trusting in relationships as they get older. Whether this be a romantic relationship, or a relationship with their parents. This can dramatically affect their lives later on. They’ve seen first hand what can happen in relationships, and don’t want to experience it themselves. They feel these lasting effects from the experiences they’ve had, and could turn down relationships often times. Causing them later to wonder, would it have been worth it, after all? Just because divorce happened to their parents, doesn’t mean it could happen to them. However, because their parents broke the bond they had, and the trust with the child, they will struggle a lot more in developing healthy relationships. Later realizing, they can’t forget, so long as they live. However, this is not the only example, there’s so many reasons why you would choose to do something over not, because of your past

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