How Does Maz Jobrani Use Controversial Comedy?

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A comedian’s job is to make people laugh and have a good time. Sometimes comedians use techniques that offend people which is called controversial comedy. Controversial comedy is a technique called insult comedy used by comedians which usually tends to make negative remarks about a group or individuals. I have been studying A comedian named Maz Jobrani he uses his stand up to put a positive light on muslims because many think all muslims are terrorist. The truth is he says jokes about Iran which if you live in Iran you would think it is offensive because he puts Iran as a bad place some agree with that and some do not. Well lets just see what you think about the matter. what do you agree with? what do you not?
Does my comedian use humor effectively to make his point? I say yes he does use humor effectively to make his point. which is that It is hard to go places when your passport says that you were born in Iran because most people think people from there are terrorist. For example when Maz says “ I was like, "Woohoo! I'm going to travel."And I opened it up, it said, "Born in Iran." I'm like, "Oh, come on, man I’m trying to travel.”( time 1:09)This helps to shape the message because …show more content…

Maz Jobrani very effectively uses stand up structure to create A humorous effect. For example he uses the set up to give the audience A little background by saying “So, anyone who's gotten their passport in America will tell you, when you get it, it still says what country you were born in.” It is like he is warming them up for the next joke. He also uses act-outs which helps make the jokes funny because he says them in accents which are funny. He also very effectively uses word choice to create a humorous effect. How, well he chooses his words wisely to get the message he wants to get across which is that not all muslims are terrorist and he successfully gets it

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