How Does Macbeth Is My Duty To Help Shape My Country

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After all the commotion that Macbeth has caused it is my duty to help shape my country back into place. I need to reassure people to feel safe again. Ever since Macbeth became king my country has fallen down into pieces. Many disasters have been occurring. My people are mortified. I can not wait to gain strength in my country. I will not stop until my country and people are safe again. My first plan is to let the people know that there is nothing to be afraid of anymore. Also, that they need to trust me in order to become a powerful country again. Getting the people to trust me again might be the trickiest part. It is understandable after what Macbeth has done of course. It will not phase me. I will make sure that my country and people love me. I will make my country a better place in no time. Being Crowned is a huge priority for me. I must find the strength in helping my country. I need to excel in everything. I must follow my own beliefs. I will have my soldiers fight hard for my country. I will train them and have them look up to me. I will make sure they put up a good fight. Macbeth did a horrible act. He killed my father. I will be a successful king just like my father Duncan. No one will ever be able to speak about the Macbeth’s again. His wrong doings will lead me to become King. It is my job to make sure I prosper. I will be a great king. My soldiers will trust me. My people will feel safe and they will …show more content…

I know for a fact I can make my country great again. It may take time but I will get there. Everyone will know the truth about Macbeth. I will work hard for the sake of my father, let his soul rest in

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