How Does Langston Hughes Use Alliteration In Life Is Fine Rhyme Scheme

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Life Is Fine: Rhyme scheme and alliteration
In the poem Life Is Fine the rhyme scheme poem by Langston Hughes a man almost commits suicide for love. You have been given a great life. Live it
Langston Hughes uses alliteration and rhyme scheme in his poem. These lines are repeated in different ways through out the poem: "Though you may hear me holler, though you may see me cry Ill be dogged, sweet baby, If you gonna see me die." Those were his examples of alliteration through out the poem. The rhyming pattern was A B C A.
Life for some men really wasn't fine back when this poem was made. There was a lot of segregation. He could have died for love but he was born in order to life his life. He doesn't want his "sweet baby" to see him die.

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