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A literary analysis of Call of the Wild by Jack London
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Essays about the call of the wild
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A love for a furry companion is often cited of a depth of character. In the Call of the Wild Jack London authors a fictional novel about the treatment of animals by humans. In the novel, the main character turns from civilized to primitive. Jack London conveys a theme that one can judge a person's character based on their treatment of animals. Buck, the main character, is introduced to the Primitive which was brutal but necessary. According to the text,” After a particularly Fierce blow he had crawled to his feet, too dazed to rush. He staggered limply about, the blood flowing from his nose mouth and ears, his beautiful coat sprayed and flecked with bloody slaver.” (p. 15, paragraph 1). The man in the red sweater introduced Buck
to the law of the club and fang. Buck endured this brutality to learn to respect the man with the club so he could survive in the primitive. In conclusion, Buck is treated violently, however, his next owners treated him with gentler nature. Francois and Perrault were supportive and encouraging owners who cared affectionately about their dogs. On page 35 of chapter 2, the text states,” Francois’ whip snapped less frequently and Perrault even honored Buck by lifting up his feet and carefully examining them.” Their treatment of Buck and the other animals reflects how they are as a human being. The two men cared for Buck and the other members of the team. To conclude, Francois and Perrault were still better owners than the man in the red sweater but, nothing can compare to his final owner. John Thornton was the most loyal and loving owner that Buck had ever experienced. The author states on p. 119, “ This man had saved his life, which was something; but, further, he was the ideal master.” Thornton had a special bond with Buck, he felt a way he has never felt before. Even when Buck was owned by Judge Miller he never experienced true love. In the end, John Thornton’s character was loyal and kind to animals and had a special bond with Buck. One can judge a person’s character based on their treatment of animals this is the theme Jack London portrays throughout the novel. He tried to show this through Buck’s owners. London had Buck go through a series of owners with different attitudes and actions towards Buck.
Into the Wild by John Krakauer is a rare book in which its author freely admits his bias within the first few pages. “I won't claim to be an impartial biographer,” states Krakauer in the author’s note, and indeed he is not. Although it is not revealed in the author's note whether Krakauer's bias will be positive or negative, it can be easily inferred. Krakauer's explanation of his obsession with McCandless's story makes it evident that Into the Wild was written to persuade the reader to view him as the author does; as remarkably intelligent, driven, and spirited. This differs greatly from the opinion many people hold that McCandless was a simply a foolhardy kid in way over his head. Some even go as far as saying that his recklessness was due to an apparent death-wish. Krakauer uses a combination of ethos, logos and pathos throughout his rendition of McCandless’s story to dispute these negative outlooks while also giving readers new to this enigmatic adventure a proper introduction.
ultimately defends the wild in all of its forms. He opens the novel with a narrative story about a
In the novel All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy, the author shows how important the roles of the horses are in the story and how they relate to John Grady, the protagonist of the novel. The horse has played an important role in the development of America. It has been a form of transportation, easy muscle, and companionship. In the Wild West, it was an essential resource for a cowboy to do his daily chores. McCarthy describes horses as spiritual and as resembling the human soul; meaning that horses came in many different forms. Horses are pretty, ugly, wild, tame, etc. in the story, they have so many different descriptions and different types of personality that they appear to resemble humans. In the story, John Grady is able to communicate with horses beyond a level normal people could. He could look into a horse's eyes and be able to see into its heart; because of this distinct relationship Grady is able to compare the world of horses to the world of humans. Throughout the novel, he learns that what he thinks of men and about his romantic idea of living in the world is completely false and wrong. Therefore, McCarthy's title shows that life can be full of change; and, at times, it can be cruel and ironic. Because of this, McCarthy's title shows how much a perspective can change when a man goes on an adventure and experiences things he did not experience before. Meaning that, McCarthy wanted readers to think before they read the book that life is pretty and easy, but after they read the book he wants the readers to know that life is not always how it seems.
In John Krakauer’s novel Into The Wild, the reader follows the life of a young man who, upon learning of his father’s infidelity and bigamy, seems to go off the deep end, isolating himself by traveling into the wild country of Alaska, unprepared for survival, where he died of starvation at 67 pounds.
First off, Buck shows an act of heroism when he backs up and defends John Thornton at a bar. A very evil-tempered and malicious man named Burton was trying to pick a fight with the tenderfoot at the bar, and John Thornton came in between the two men. Without warning, Burton struck Thornton across the face. Instantly Buck hurled himself into Burton. “Those who were looking on heard what was neither bark nor yelp, but a something which is best described as a roar, and they saw Buck’s body rise up in the air as he left the floor for Burton’s throat” (87). Buck had to be pried off of Burton, so he didn’t kill him. Buck almost killed a man who only punched Thornton. If Buck had no civilization in him like critics said, he wouldn’t have defended his master. It even said in the book, “But his reputation was made, and from that day his name spread through every camp in Alaska” (87). This reputation he made was, “If you set a finger on John Thornton and Buck was around, be ready to get your head ripped off”. The only reason he had this reputation was because of the intense love he had for his owner, and a
Into the wild is a non-fiction book which expanded from the nine-thousand-word article by Jon Krakauer. This article ran in the January 1993 issue of the magazine Outside. Jon Krakauer was very much drawn toward the tale of McCandless and decided to write his story. He spent more than a year tracking down the details of the boy’s tramp. Then he used matter-of-fact tones to narrate what he chased on the path about the boy. The framework presented in this book can be separated into three parts: (1) retracing, including the interview with most of the important people who once kept company with Chris; (2) wildness, presenting mails generated from readers and several idealists that were in the similar situation with Chris; (3) affection, including the memory of parents, sister and friends.
“Into The Wild” by John Krakauer is a non-fiction biographical novel which is based on the life of a young man, Christopher McCandless. Many readers view Christopher’s journey as an escape from his family and his old life. The setting of a book often has a significant impact on the story itself. The various settings in the book contribute to the main characters’ actions and to the theme as a whole. This can be proven by examining the impact the setting has on the theme of young manhood, the theme of survival and the theme of independent happiness.
Perkins, George B., and Barbara Perkins. "The Beast in the Jungle." The American Tradition in Literature (concise). 12th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009. 1148-1177. Print.
As Josh Billings says “A dog is the only thing on this earth that will love you more than he loves himself.” In the story Call of the Wild and White Fang, both by Jack London, Buck and White Fang both have many similarities and differences.
In Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer explores the human fascination with the purpose of life and nature. Krakauer documents the life and death of Chris McCandless, a young man that embarked on an Odyssey in the Alaskan wilderness. Like many people, McCandless believed that he could give his life meaning by pursuing a relationship with nature. He also believed that rejecting human relationships, abandoning his materialistic ways, and purchasing a book about wildlife would strengthen his relationship with nature. However, after spending several months enduring the extreme conditions of the Alaskan wilderness, McCandless’ beliefs begin to work against him. He then accepts that he needs humans, cannot escape materialism, and can never fully understand how nature functions. Most importantly, he realizes that human relationships are more valuable than infinite solitude. McCandless’ gradual change of heart demonstrates that exploring the wilderness is a transformative experience. Krakauer uses the life and death of Chris McCandless to convey that humans need to explore nature in order to discover the meaning of life.
In Buck’s young adult life he couldn't continue his education past the 8th grade, because there was no local High School for Negroes. Along with his father dying from virulent influenza, his mother couldn't pay to send Buck out to any Negro Schools. Therefore at a young age Buck had to take up job opportunities. For the next two years of Buck’s young adult life he had to shine
Buck is an interesting story about a young boy from Zimbabwe, who moved to Philadelphia and gets caught up in the sex, drugs, and violence that are in the streets of Philly. Life gets pretty hard for him as his family goes through tough times and he is forced to find his way through the world on his own and of course he manages to do so. For this book report I have chosen chapters 1-3 to summarize and express how these chapters connect or influence me as a college student.
The abundant animal imagery in Timothy Findley's book The Wars is used to develop characterization and theme. The protagonist, Robert Ross, has a deep connection with animals that reflects his personality and the situations that he faces. This link between Robert and the animals shows the reader that human nature is not much different than animal nature.
As the dogs pull the sleigh with all their might through the thick winter snow, they are forced to move forward by the “Law of the Club” in the fictional book, The Call of the Wild by Jack London. In the novel, London describes how a pet dog, Buck, is introduced to the wild. Buck is familiar with the dull boring life in the Santa Clara Valley, but now he is challenged into the wild. The Call of the Wild shows how there is a codependence between humans and dogs, demonstrates how humans take advantage of dogs for their personal needs, and describes how relationships between snow dogs and humans are short.
Human instincts are characteristics or tendencies imbued in man at birth. They reflect the eons of experience which shape the human psyche. Man’s compassionate nature allows him to define his own personality and build relationships. Jack London believed, however, that in trying situations this desire for self-preservation supersedes emotional attachments. He showed this through both Old Koshkoosh’s tribal upbringing and his past experiences. While sitting in the snow and reminiscing about his childhood, Old Koshkoosh contemplated his existence, espousing the principles ingrained in him by a childhood in a home environment based upon the goal of survival. The narrator described Koshkoosh’s learned beliefs, writing, “But one task did nature set the...