How Does Hockey Impact My Life

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Hockey’s Impact on my Life The sound of the whistle, the feeling of the sweat running down the player’s faces and the aching in their bones from the abuse taken throughout the game. The puck drops, the sound of sticks hitting each other echo around the arena as the two players fight to win possession of the puck, and the opposing player is able to win the draw back to the defenseman who scores to win the game. I am able to relate to what has been said previous because it is natural when it comes to playing a sport, in my book the sport is hockey. Hockey is an extreme interest of mine that has been able to help me overcome obstacles in my life, teach me beliefs that I still use, and while all not has also kept me from joining clubs and other activities that would look respectable on a college application. …show more content…

Hockey has had a tremendous impact on my life because it has helped me deal with several problems, but one in particular had to be my height. I have always been smaller stature wise, but around sixth grade I stopped growing while other kept growing. My size caused me problems because I didn’t understand why I stopped growing, but in hockey it didn’t matter how tall I it only mattered the amount of effort I put in. My size was one of numerous problems that have occurred during my life, but I have been able to overcome and deal with these problems because of

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