How Does George Orwell Use Propaganda In Animal Farm

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Animal Farm Propaganda The Effectiveness of Propaganda in George Orwell’s Animal Farm “A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance, when the need for illusion is deep,” wrote Saul Bellow, in his novel To Jerusalem and Back. In George Orwell’s Animal farm, Napoleon and his fellow pigs take advantage of the animals’ ignorance to manipulate them into becoming loyal followers. Napoleon’s extensive use of propaganda proves to be effective through giving mesmerizing speeches, slandering Snowball’s name, and instilling fear in anyone who refuses to conform to his ideas. First off, Napoleon uses extensive amounts of propaganda through his effective speeches. Napoleon has Squealer make many announcements to gain the animals’ trust. …show more content…

The narrator reads, “But suddenly the dogs sitting around Napoleon let out a deep menacing growls”(39.) This moment was the very fisrt in which Napoleon establishes fear into the animals. When the pigs tried to argue Napoleon's idea, the dogs immediately put them to silence. The narrator also states, “He (Napoleon) ordered the hens’ rations to be stopped and to decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished to death”(53.) In this instant, Napoleon is forcing the hens to produce many more eggs than usual or die of starvation. The last way Napoleon creates fear in the animals is when the narrator reads, “the dogs promptly tore their (the four pigs) throats out, and in a terrible voice Napoleon demanded whether any animal had anything else to confess”(58.) Napoleon uses the dogs to his advantage to terrify the animals. With this type of propaganda, Napoleon can get what he wants, because no animal will dare argue with him or against him in fear of death. To conclude, Napoleon uses propaganda effectively by giving mesmerizing speeches, defaming Snowball’s name, and establishing fear in anyone who disagrees with his views. Napoleon achieves his goal of being in control of the farm. First, Napoleon has Squealer give speeches to the animals and persuade them to believe Napoleon. Also, Napoleon tells the animals all the wrong Snowball has done in trying to harm him. Lastly, Napoleon puts fear into the animals, and they don’t dare argue with him. With the proper use of propaganda, anyone can surely get what they

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