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Orwell's message in animal farm essay
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Orwell addresses the issue of rhetoric in 'Animal Farm' by illustrating how language can lead to corruption. In his book, 'Animal Farm,' numerous characters employ rhetoric to persuade and manipulate, but the most skilled speaker is Squealer. Squealer's unparalleled ability to use rhetoric is the reason why Napoleon ascends to power. He distorts the truth in his speeches, and when Napoleon needs a problem resolved, he simply asks Squealer to address the animals, who then believe and support whatever he says. Squealer employs various persuasive techniques, including rhetorical questions, inclusive language, and exaggeration, but most importantly, he uses rhetoric. Throughout the book, rhetoric is portrayed as a greater adversary than Napoleon or Mr. Jones could ever be. It demonstrates that lying, confusing, or distorting the truth can never lead to anything good. Orwell effectively illustrates how problematic rhetoric can be. Napoleon’s greatest challenger is Snowball. Napoleon has been evil from the start, but now, with Mr. Jones gone, there is no one strong enough to oppose him. He can finally do as he pleases. He only needs to convince the animals. He has always wanted his way, and it seems he will go as far as it takes, even condemning Snowball’s work on the windmill. He knows very well that with the construction of the windmill under Snowball’s guidance, Snowball will be viewed as ‘better’ and would give him power. Power, that he believes, is rightfully his. He knows the windmill will benefit his welfare, yet he is still willing to oppose this idea to keep Snowball from taking any power. Snowball was a real threat to Napoleon. Unfortunately for him, Snowball was very good at what he did. "When Snowball’s plans were completed…Snowball’s eloquence had carried them away…by the time he had finished speaking, there was no doubt which way the vote would go…" Napoleon had no way of rebutting Snowball’s persuasion and was left with no other option but to use brute force, physical violence, and fear by unleashing the big dogs he had trained upon Snowball.... ... middle of paper ... ...Orwell proves throughout the book that rhetoric is indeed a problem. He demonstrates how easy it is to confuse the animals into believing what they are told when they do not understand the concept. It works effectively to portray the message that "rhetoric is a problem." Squealer uses rhetoric to confuse the animals on the farm into thinking that they remember something that didn’t happen. He also tricks animals into believing what Napoleon says, and he has a perfect audience to listen to him: an uneducated, loyal group of animals. George Orwell manages to articulate the message he wants to convey with the use of language in its most powerful form, ‘rhetoric.’
eorge Orwell uses rhetorical appeals (the three elements of persuasion) to draw attention to his allegorical tale of the Russian Revolution, Animal Farm. Ethos, pathos and logos is shown throughout the text.
out Snowball, Napoleon told the animals that the windmill was his idea and he just
Orwell chose to use the vehicle of propaganda, through Squealer, the pig, to get the theme across to the readers. ‘Beasts of England’ was a chant taught to the animals, by what some could say the starter of the rebellion, Old Major. The chant talked about how the animals deserved better and needed to rebel against Man. When in power, Napoleon did not allow the chant but instead used a poem of his own, ‘Comrade Napoleon’. One part of the poem read, “Oh, how my soul is on Fire when I gaze at thy Calm and commanding eye, Like the sun in the sky, Comrade Napoleon!” (Orwell 94). This quote is part of the propaganda vehicle because it was a tool used by Napoleon, to make the less intelligent animals of the farm, believe that he was a great leader. Propaganda is defined as an idea that is exaggerated (“Propaganda”). The poem is considered propaganda because it exaggerates the societal outlook on Napoleon in the novella. The animals do not hate Napoleon, but they also do not adore and praise him. Another time in the novella when Orwell used Squealer and propaganda as a tool to get the theme across
The pigs use propaganda and euphemisms not only for themselves but for Napoleon to stay as the leader of the farm. Propaganda is used when a squealer gives a speech about how the apples and milk are needed for the pigs’ diet, and that the animals will accept their current life. The pigs use two types of euphemism, readjustment of rations and special education. George Orwell uses propaganda and euphemisms to show how communist countries or dictators deceive their people and take advantage of them.
The uneducated are often unaware of how people take advantage of them when under the power of a leader using propaganda. Propaganda is an opinionated advertisement used to control and appeal to people's judgement and emotions, and gets them to do what they want (Stults). Not all persuasion is propaganda, and not all propaganda is bad (Stults). George Orwell writes Animal Farm as an allegorical fable associated with Lenin’s lead over the revolution that established the Communist control of Russia. After the animals of Animal Farm are successful with the Rebellion against Jones, they to lose sight of how the pigs are slowly influencing them. Like the use of propaganda in Russia, the pigs on Animal Farm are able to manipulate the other animals using simplicity and repetition, distortion and bad logic, and fear.
The first rhetorical device that Squealer uses to persuade the other animals is ethos. In the beginning of the novel, Squealer explains why the milk was not being distributed evenly, and why most of it was going to the pigs. Squealer supports this idea by emphasizing the leadership that the pigs play on Animal Farm. Squealer conveys the authority of the pigs by saying “The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples” (Orwell 31). This quote is an example of ethos, because it shows that the pigs are looking out for the other animals. This shows that the pigs have credible reason to have the milk and apples. It is not really true that the pigs need all of the milk to themselves, so Squealer is using his speaking skills to his advantage, so that he and all of the other pigs are able to enjoy all of the milk. This is not fair to the rest of the animals, but the animals trust the pigs to know how to run things on the farm, so they accept this as a viable reason for their greediness.
One of the main leaders since the beginning of Orwell’s novel is Squealer -- a manipulative, deceitful, and undeniably persuasive pig. Given these traits, it comes as no surprise that his position in the triad of pigs (involving also Snowball and Napoleon) was the smooth talker and the voice to their final decisions. Frequently Squealer would read off the statistics of Animal Farms production in an effort to convince the animals that living conditions were actually better than they had been when Jones was in charge. When the animals found out that the pigs were drinking the milk from the cows, Squealer was quick to explain that the pigs needed to drink the milk to keep them healthy. His driving point on the topic was, “Surely you don’t want Jones to come back?” Squealer was able
Some reasons why are the following: "He was a brilliant talker, and when he was arguing some difficult point he had a way of skipping from side to side and whisking his tail which was somehow very persuasive. The others said of Squealer that he could turn black into white." Squealer was a manipulator and nearly everything that came out of his mouth was manipulative. Another piece of evidence is when the birds objected to 'four legs good, two legs bad' and Snowball manipulated them and said that a birds wing can be regarded as a hand. The pigs were amazing at manipulating almost like it was breathing. For instance all they ever did was manipulate, like when the pigs took the milk and apples and then lied and said they had to have it for their health and that they don't like apples or milk, but if they don't have it they won't be healthy and Farmer Jones will come back. And that is what we call manipulation but manipulation isn't just shown in Animal Farm, it's shown in everyday life, in society and was really shown throughout the Russian Revolution. Realistically, nothing can be obtained without manipulation, intimidation, lying and deceiving, and Orwell's novel displays
The pigs in George Orwell’s Animal Farm use specific laws, use unknown vocabulary and excruciating detail, implement scare tactics, and create and manipulate law to successfully attain the other animal’s trust, acquire certain luxuries unavailable to most animal, and establish themselves as the dictators of a totalitarian-like society. Through using detail, unknown vocabulary, specific laws, and scare tactics, the pigs acquire the ability to drink alcohol, sleep on beds, eat and drink the milk and apples, destroy Snowball’s credibility, and establish a trust between themselves and the other animals. From Orwell’s Animal Farm, one realizes how leaders with absolute power use carefully manipulated language to abuse their power.
Snowball and Napoleon held a great deal of contrast between the way they each ruled over “Animal Farm/Manor Farm.” The only thing he did lack, was the ability of pursuasion to the other animals. Snowball had all the right ideas, all to better the whole farm. Napoleon, on the other hand, had a knack for stealing other animals’ ideas, then telling the rest it was his and getting credit for it. His ideas only seemed to benefit the pigs and not the animals. It was this, that led to the crumbling of the farm. Napoleons obsession with becoming the ruler is what got Snowball nearly killed by the dogs...in a plot made by Napoleon. Which then produced a whole new rebellion not of the animals to the humans, but of the animals to the pigs. So for these reasons, Snowball showed better qualities for leadership than Napoleon because he wasn’t selfish and thought about the future of “Animal Farm.” First, the dominated farm animals viewed Napoleon and Snowball differently at different times throughout the book. The way the animals reacted to each leader brought upon new problems of the farm. The animals respected Snowball, and believed that his teachings were all true and had a good cause. Although Snowball and Napoleon had superior qualities leadership, it was clearly Snowball who had the better qualities for running a farm. Under Snowballs’ rule, the animals were generally content with what was going on and were all for it if it was to better the farm. It was obvious that Napoleon had the better half of getting his own way on the farm. However, the animals had some problems with Napoleon but they didn’t know haw to express their feelings and show him that they didn’t like the way he ran things. It was the animals’ ignorance that helped keep Napoleon in rule for as long as it was. The responses were so different between the animals that it must have been a drastic change between Snowball and Napoleon.
His use of rhetorical devices and methods of persuasion effectively convinces the animals to believe farfetched ideas. By using different rhetorical devices, he convinces the animals that the pigs are not abusing their power, just like in the milk and apples incident and the bed dispute. Also, by using several methods of persuasion, he convinces them that Snowball, one of the most trustworthy animals, is evil and a double agent, and he also instills loyalty in the other animals for Napoleon after Boxer is murdered. Squealer is definitely the most effective speaker because he convinces and persuades all the animals on the farm to believe blatant
What's worse, Napoleon came to constantly use Snowball to shift the blame on every small mishap on the farm. For example, when the windmill was first destroyed by the tornado, Napoleon blamed it on Snowball. Also, Snowball was blame for destroying farm property, mixing foods with weeds, and secretly conspiring with human, which was strictly prohibited by animal law. However, the accusations were never proven true, as Snowball was never heard from again since his expulsion.
The Use of Language in Animal Farm Animal Farm by George Orwell is an allegory in which animals are personified to represent the struggles and conflicts of the Russian Revolution. The main point emphasizes in the novel is that language is a powerful tool, which can be used to manipulate and control people in order to bring about change, whether big or small. In the story the pigs govern everything that happens, whether it is something as miner as eating a meal, or something as major and important as fighting a strategic battle. Napoleon, the foreman, or leader of the pigs is the most powerful of them all. Napoleon and his “side kick”, Squealer, abused the powers of language to manipulate the animals of the farm into thinking that the farm was a beautiful society flourishing with life and freedom, when in fact, it was quite the opposite.
In "Politics and the English Language", Orwell illustrates the misuse of the English language in society. Orwell believes that language can be used to both actively and passively oppress a society. Orwell has five rules that connect to Animal Farm and Anthem. His rules are the following; never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print, Never use a long word where a short one will do, if it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out, never use the passive where you can use the active, never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
Although consisting of only 95 pages, Animal Farm is effective in delivering its message. Orwell uses a variety of literary devices in Animal Farm that make it a deceptively complex and effective novel. I have decided to examine three of these literary devices: