How Does Frankenstein Have Too Much Knowledge

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The action of knowing an abundance of knowlege can lead to having negative results. In the novel "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley a man named Victor Frankenstein conducts the misuse of knowledge when he creates a monster out of human body parts. The author, Mary Shelley presents the series of events when Frankenstein suffers in knowing too much knowledge, throughout the whole passage. Although, in having knowledge can improve someone's intelligence, too much of it can overall destroy a person's life.

First, Victor's intellectual creation of a hideous monster provoked his life to convert into a nightmare. Frankenstein's excess of intellectualness, began during the creation of a harmful invention that no one in the world could possibly do. He became overly obssessed in achieving the creation of the monster, but his flaw was not accepting full responsibilty after creating his invention. As a result, the monster wanted his master's acceptance but Victor would not consider any of that. That transparently provoked the monster to counter attack Victor. This situation could have been prevented if Frankenstein would have forethought his decision in creating the wretched monster. Therefore, the intake of too much knowledge can destruct a person's life. …show more content…

In several occassions knowledge can access plenty of successful opportunities to improve someone's life, such as careers, education, jobs...etc. However, the absorbtion of an imense amount of knowledge can be ruinous for any human being. It can negatively transform someone's life to a horrid, endless pain of misery. An excess amount of knowledge can cause chaos to the person and the people surrounding the person. Surely, knowledge is beneficial but too much of it can cause an imbalance of human

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