How Does Fortunato Build Suspense In The Cask Of Amontillado

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In the short “The Cask of Amontillado” written by Edgar Allan Poe, the author uses elements of horror to provide a thrill-seeking experience for his audience. Similar to horror movies, the author uses mystery, revenge, and foreshadowing to build suspense to entertain his readers. The antagonist, Montresor, is the evil force in the short story and wants to get revenge on Fortunato. There is a great deal of mystery behind Montresor’s motives to get revenge, especially since Montresor takes revenge to the extreme and kills Fortunato. Montresor uses Fortunato’s desire for Amontillado to lure him to his demise. While Fortunato and Montresor search for the Amontillado within Montresor’s catacombs, Poe creates various foreshadows of Fortunato’s death. …show more content…

“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge”(Par. 1 Poe). Montresor alludes to the fact that Fortunato has done too many wrongs against him and that finally Fortunato’s actions deeply insulted Montresor. This creates the desire within the reader to want to continue to read and learn more about Montresor’s motives. However, its not only the motive for revenge that pleases the reader but the revenge itself provides the thrill the reader seeks. Also, the narrator never expands on Fortunato’s wrongdoings and refers to him as a friend throughout the rest of the story. At the end of the story, the narrator reveals that his revenge against Fortunato happened fifty years ago, making the accuracy of Montresor account of the story less reliable. The fact that it happened fifty years ago also creates more mystery behind the vagueness of Montresor’s

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