How Does Culture Affect Personal Identity

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What affect does culture play on an individual’s personal identity? Culture is vital to personal identity and how that identity is distinguished from others. The origins of an individual’s personal identity comes from many things in one’s culture. Culture is not established into people at birth, but it is learned from wherever they have been. Society acts in such a manner that when different cultures meet, one society may find the other to be strange. Every society has a different culture where the people share a specific language, gesture, belief, behavior, norms, and more. This world contains a various array of people with different ways of living, different traditions, and different languages. Many of these people come together and they bring their cultures and traditions that help to shape their identity. All of these cultural components play vital roles in the development of an individual’s personal …show more content…

Family members instill values that the individual will not learn on their own. Some of the thoughts and beliefs of the parents will be passed onto the child. For instance, if a person's parents believe that school is important, then their children will most likely take school seriously. Every parent will teach some sort of discipline to their children. Whether the parent is supportive and nurturing or strict and abrasive this will affect the child’s personality in the future. An individual’s family plays the largest role on a developing identity. Throughout majority of the child’s life their family has some form of constant contact. Family can also teach love and respect to children during their childhood. Bharati Mukherjee wrote, “We dressed alike in saris; we expressed identical views on politics, social issues, love and marriage in the same Calcutta convent-school accent” (41). Love and respect will be a crucial element for an individual’s identity moving forward into

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