How Do Authors Influence You To Change Your Name?

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What would influence you to change your name? Maybe you prefer your nickname or it is possibly because you cannot stand your own name. But, authors change their names very frequently for many purposes. In other words, authors use pen names. For an example, Charlotte Bronte changed her name to get her book published. Also, back in the old days, men did not take women writers seriously; publishers wouldn’t publish the book just because they were woman. Last but not least, pen names were also used to publish more then just one book a year. These pen names gave writers more freedom, liberty, flexibility and opportunity.

In the first place, pen names can be created in many different ways. You could create you own name like Benjamin Franklin, which went “under the persona of the middle-aged widow Silence Dogood”(What’s in a Name? By: E. Bennet). Also, you could use your abbreviations of your name as a pen name. A great example is J.K Rowling. In fear of young boys finding out a woman …show more content…

A woman could not publish anything without a pen name. “Considering Bronte’s position and her desire for literary achievement given that context, we are able to see why she felt compelled to write Jane Eyre and to publish it under a male pen name, Currer Bell” (Introducing Jane Eyre: An Unlikely Victorian Heroine). She couldn’t publish anything without creating a pen name. According to the article, Letter from Robert Southey to Charlotte Bronte, “Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be. The more she is engaged in her proper duties, the less leisure will she have for it even as an accomplishment and a recreation.” During this Era, Woman were not taken seriously, men believed that they should stay home, cook and clean. Some women did not know how to read nor write, due to the fact that they did not have an opportunity for a proper

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