City of Bones

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My book was The City of Bones, written by Cassandra Clare. As a child Cassandra spent a lot of time traveling around the world. She went to Los Angeles for high school. After high school she worked for many entertainment and tabloids. She began writing fan fiction using the name Cassandra Clare. She deleted her fan fiction shortly before she wrote her first novel, “City of Bones”. Cassandra has written many other books, including the rest of the series to City of Bones. City of Ashes is the second book to the trilogy, and City of Glass is the third. As of now I think she is working on the next cycle of books for the Mortal Instruments series. She tells young writers about how she gets her ideas. She says that your ideas come from all around you, everything you experience in your everyday life.
In the book City of Bones, Clary is one of the main characters in this book. She is the daughter of Jocelyn, a former shadow hunter. Clary has a special power she barely knows about herself. She can see shadow hunters, while no one else can. She ends up having to work with shadow hunters to he...

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