“The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Second Continental Congress, states the reasons the British colonies of North America sought independence in July of 1776 (“SparkNotes”).” The text document opens with a preamble explaining why the thirteen colonies have overthrown their ruler and chosen to take their place as a separate nation in the world. Governments should never infringe on both the idea that all men are created equal and certain unalienable rights of citizens such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When a government fails to protect their unalienable rights, it is not only their right, but their duty to overthrown that government. After that, the people should …show more content…
The Enlightenment was present during the 17th and 18th centuries when thinkers explain both the physical universe and human behavior using reason and science, and Jefferson believed that by learning the “laws of nature”, humanity could be improved. He was well educated with the history and political philosophy of Great Britain, and he also read the statements of independence from fellow revolutionaries like Thomas Paine and George Mason. In drafting the declaration, Jefferson followed the arrangement of the English Declaration of Rights, written after the Glorious Revolution of 1689. Many believe Jefferson got his ideas from the writings of English philosopher John …show more content…
Some slave owners argued that slaves would become equal and worthy of natural rights only when they became civilized. For Jefferson, a life-long owner of slaves, this was a much more complex issue (“Natural Rights”).” Jefferson thought that slavery was immoral, and to his credit he denounced the slave trade. Some believe that Jefferson agreed with the Scottish philosopher Francis Hutcheson that all men are born morally equal to one another. In principle, Jefferson opposed slavery, but he saw no way to end the practice once established. He feared that a war of extermination which the whites would win would result from white prejudice and black bitterness. He also feared that if slaves were freed they would have nowhere to go and no means to survive on their own, and also, he and other slave owners depended on slave labor for economic reasons. The best idea Jefferson came up with was to take slave children from their parents and educate them on things such as trade, and once they become adults, they would be transported to a colony where they can start a new life as a “free and independent people.” Nothing ever came of his plan, and slavery remained in America until the end of the Civil War. But even then, the
The Declaration was for the colonists to seek for independence. The quote most widely known is “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”(Jefferson) The Declaration of Independence was written mostly by Thomas Jefferson who stated the above quote. Like the Declaration of Sentiments, all men are created equal. The Declaration of Independence allows the people to have the right to abolish an proposition that they do not agree with. They also have the right to institute a new government if they do not feel it is not ensuring safety and happiness to everyone; they can vote in a government who will ensure this. It is also the peoples right to throw out a government when laws are abused. Every year on July 4, people in the United States celebrate Independence day, also known as the Fourth of
After it was written, 56 delegates coming from all of the 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence in order to make it official. This document served great justice during the Atlantic Revolution; it sought to make a difference as to how the colonies were in terms of their alliance with Britain. The Atlantic Revolution was able to make this happen, for it opened up the space for change. Through the document, we can see how the colonies determined to separate themselves from the British Empire. Some things to pay attention to in the writing is that they mentioned things like “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. The goal of this statement is to make sure that even though the men make up the government and the people must be okay with them, at the end of the day the people have the right to make sure that their government is not being destructive and is aiming towards their rights. The Atlantic Revolution brought forth new ideas of government and the liberation of the colonies from the
Thomas Jefferson, an educated, well respected career man, served as governor of Virginia, secretary of state, and president of the United States. The Revolutionary era, during the 1770's, proved to be one of America's most victorious times. Despite the casualties the American colonies suffered, they proved to be stronger than their ruling land, Britain, and won the right to be a free land, becoming the United States of America. Living through this difficult turning point in history inspired Jefferson to write "The Declaration of Independence." Once again, nearly two hundred years later, America faced yet another turning point in history.
After enduring “a long train of abuses and usurpations” the colonists decided to declare themselves free of British rule (para 2). Jefferson writes that given their “unalienable rights . . . Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”, “it is the Right of the People . . . to institute new Government”, one that will fairly represent them, to reestablish order (para 2). The Declaration of Independence does not seek to convince or even encourage action; rather, it aims to declare. There are no mistaking Jefferson’s words. The Colonists are tired of the mistreatment and they are effectively severing all “Allegiance to the British Crown, and . . . political connection” (para 23). The audience of The Declaration of Independence, the world, is specifically addressed twice. The first
Thomas Jefferson was born in Virginia in the year of 1743 and died in 1826. Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence written in 1776, his rational though and useful knowledge would soon guarantee the progress of humanity. In this document, Jefferson used key words like reason and right to justify the acts he was stating. For example, Jefferson states, “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” This conveys how Jefferson wanted equality for men because it is their right. Jefferson also mentioned the idea of consent, which was based on Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau, a great thinker as well wrote about the idea of consent of the governed. This was the idea that the leader and the people are in a contract and the authority of the government should depend on the consent of the people. For example, in The Declaration of Independence, it states, “—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…” For the most part, Jefferson’s implementation of these ideas challenged society’s traditional
There are many different ways in which the Enlightenment affected the Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution. One way was the by the idea of a Social Contract; an agreement by which human beings are said to have abandoned the "state of nature" in order to form the society in which they now live. HOBBES, LOCKE, and J.J. ROUSSEAU each developed differing versions of the social contract, but all agreed that certain freedoms had been surrendered for society's protection and that the government has definite responsibilities to its citizens. Locke believed that governments were formed to protect the natural rights of men, and that overthrowing a government that did not protect these rights was not only a right, but also an obligation. His thoughts influenced many revolutionary pamphlets and documents, including the Virginia Constitution of 1776, and the Declaration of Independence. The Bill of Rights was created as a listing of the rights granted to citizens, the Bill of Rights serves to protect the people from a too powerful government. These civil rights granted to U.S. Citizens are included in the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, Locke’s ideas about checks and balances and the division of church and state were later embodied in the U.S. Constitution as well. The Constitution replaced a more weakly organized system of government as outlined under the Articles of Confederation.
Thomas Jefferson believed that all men were created equal, as he stated in his authorship of the Declaration of Independence. However, he justified slavery by questioning whether or not blacks were complete men. Jefferson’s reason for developing his suspicions of black racial inferiority likely stemmed from the need of labor in the newly formed
There are many important factors in the Declaration of Independence, which enable the foundation of a new government. These range from describing grievances with England, to how government should be run differently, to the first statement of separation. The first step to the foundation of a new government is the uniting of a people in a common goal. Since all people were feeling violated by English soldiers, it was necessary to state these grievances in order to make people aware that they are not alone. When people learned that others felt the same as them emotion was stirred. The Declaration of Independence listed the grievances such as, “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.” The next important step to the foundation of a new government was to gain peoples ambition by showing how the government would be run if a new party took over. This goal was achieved by stating the rights of man. “We hold these truths to be self evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This statement made people hopeful and feel kindly toward this new government. The final step in the preparation for a new government was separation from the old government. This was declared twice in the Declaration of Independence. In the beginning, “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, driving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” and in the end, “that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved. In conclusion, the Declaration of Independence was able to motivate people, give them ambition, and made it simple for Americans to take action.
According to Finkelman, “as he accumulated more slaves, he worked assiduously to increase the productivity and the property values of his labor force” (Finkelman). Jefferson knew that without his slaves, he would not be able to live his luxurious lifestyle. At the time he wrote the Declaration of Independence, as it is reported in “Jefferson and Slavery,” Jefferson was the owner of 175 slaves and after his death, he emancipated only five and sent nearly two hundred back to the auction block (Finkelman). This provides more evidence to the hypocrisy behind his beliefs. Not only did he keep his slaves working while many other landowners freed them, but he also sold their scores when he was in debt. Thomas Jefferson could not live without his slaves. He was dependent on them to cook his meals and tend his field, but while he lived this lavish lifestyle, he encouraged others to emancipate their slaves because freeing them would be the right thing to
The Declaration of Independence was written to the declaration proclaiming the independence of the colonies. It opens with the famous statement; “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness.” (WP. Jefferson. 696) To hold truth and be self-evident is having “human equality and certain unalienable rights.” (Declaration) By having rights is not meant as having power, wishes or desires but to be “acknowledged and affirmed liberties inherent in human nature.”(Declaration) Thus, the Government has the ability to dismantle your rights if you disobey any laws. The notion that all men are created equal, was the biggest dispute. Douglass and later King used that statement to contradict the American government. Wherefore, the equality in the Declaration of Independent meant “whatever our differences, there exists a fundamental human identity, that no one is born to rule or be ruled.”(Declaration) Jefferson vision of freedom went beyond wanting dependents from the British. While writing the Declaration of Independence he had it in mind to put an end to slavery. When he presented the Declaration of Independence to delegators, it included a passage attacking slavery. “He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying then into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.” (Debate) The delegate’s from South Carolina and Georgia refused to sign it, therefore it was removed and replace with a more vague passes about King George’s incitement of “domestic insurrections amongst us.”(Debate) The removal
In conclusion, Thomas Jefferson is fiercely opposed to slavery, and believes that if it continues in America it will create a morally corrupt society. Due to the lengthy amount of injustices suffered by blacks and committed by whites, the two races are unable to live peacefully together. In order to rectify the wrongs of the slave trade, Jefferson proposes that American performs emancipation, education, and ex-patriotism.
July 4th, 1776 marked the beginning on a new nation. It was on this day that the Declaration of Independence was signed as the colonies split ties with their mother country, Great Britain. After many years of being under the leadership of the English, who ruled them from many miles away, problems began to arise in the colonies. Although not all agreed, many believed that the ways the English were doing things were wrong. The Declaration of Independence was written not only to declare independence from Great Britain, but also the reasons for why the colonies were doing so. The Declaration clarified some of the views that this new country held, and discusses the scenario in which the country will have to abolish a form of government once more.
Thomas Jefferson once said that Americans deserve freedom,“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Brainyquote.com). Thomas Jefferson was born into a rich family living on a plantation in Virginia in 1743. Jefferson lived his early life as a wealthy Virginian practicing law, and in the 1770’s he began the construction of his famous mansion, The Monticello. After the French and Indian War, the British began to tax the colonists to cover the payment of the war. Because the colonists had no representation in the British government, a conflict arose with the king. At this time,
The Iriquois Constitution, The Declaration of Sentiments, and The Declaration of Independence, are few of many ways the American Colony has been affected. The Iriquois Constitution was designed to further peace with the native Americans. The Declaration of Sentiments was made to entitle the rights to women for equality of all citizens. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson which states the right to life, liberty, and happiness for all. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.."
The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776, in response to the British government failing in representing the rights of the colonists. The Declaration begins by stating that if the government representing the people fails to secure their rights, or becomes destructive, then “it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it” (1776). Therefore, since the colonists believed that the British government was failing them and their rights, they decided to declare their independence from them.