How Did The Decline Of The Middle Ages

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As Europe advanced into the mid eighteenth century, the Renaissance was coming to an end after multiple centuries of incredible advances in the mathematics, arts, and science. European colonization and exploration was also going strong. Many European powers had settled colonies around the world, especially in the Americas, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Back in central Europe, many great thinkers we know of today lived around this pivotal time in Europe’s history. However, other parts of the world that were previously thought of as advanced were now in decline. Places like China, Japan, and the Middle East were now stagnating culturally, this decline gave Europe the chance to pull ahead in science, math, and other things. Because of the rapid advances in technology in the past few centuries Europe was able to colonize much of the world. Combining that with the decline of other major cultures led to Europe becoming a dominant figure of in the 1700’s and onwards. …show more content…

Europe began to move away from the feudalism of the middle age and started moving towards a more enlightened people as a whole. This shift is what we now know as the beginning of the Renaissance. Because of this massive cultural change, people in Europe became much more interested in advancing current technologies and inventing new things. One such thing was the printing press invented by Johannes Gutenberg. The invention of the printing press allowed books to be printed much more easily, and by extension, made knowledge become more accessible. This sudden surge in advancements undoubtedly aided Europe dominate the 15th to 18th centuries in terms of technological advancement right up to the Industrial

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